How to delete attachments

27 October 2006
I was trying to attach a picture to a post and I got a message that I have exceeded the limit and to click on a link that I guess would show me what attachments I have but the page was blank. So how do I delete my attachments to make room for a new one?
This is a problem that I'm having as well, I want to delete the pictures from my for sale thread and create a new one with just the one item remaining, however I cant since I've used all the storage available. Please help me!
wow. I didnt think it would take this long to get an answer to this. I figured it was something easy I was missing.
wow. I didnt think it would take this long to get an answer to this. I figured it was something easy I was missing.

It wasn't anything you were missing or doing wrong. It also wasn't a simple problem. However, I think I have it fixed now. Thanks for the problem report!
moderator, please chime in on how to fix this problem.

Moderators just moderate posts on the site. This was a server problem.

On an unrelated note, please respond to my emails regarding the credit card scam you reported.
You know - the attachment feature on this site is honestly not the greatest, nor is it on any website by vBulletin. Why not just upload your photos elsewhere on the web, there are HUNDREDS of freebie sites you can use and most ISP's also allocate storage space to you on the server.

This allows you more control, more space, and removes the burden from NSXPrime.
You know - the attachment feature on this site is honestly not the greatest, nor is it on any website by vBulletin. Why not just upload your photos elsewhere on the web, there are HUNDREDS of freebie sites you can use and most ISP's also allocate storage space to you on the server.

This allows you more control, more space, and removes the burden from NSXPrime.

That's true, but there's no telling when third party sites may go under or delete their uploads, so if you want a thread image preserved for posterity then Prime is really the only option. :(

That said, I've reached my storage limit for attachments, and I'm reluctant to delete images that I've uploaded, so I'm resorting to Picasa for hosting my photos for now. Hopefully Google won't kill that product anytime soon.
Yeah the attachment system is not great. Instead of hosting pics elsewhere, you can just upload them to the photo gallery here and link them instead of attaching them. Then at least they will (in theory!) be around as long as the site.

Thanks for the reminder Lud. I know you purchased that software a while back, and from a user standpoint uploading single images isn't that bad, but uploading multiple photos (say from a drive) is like pulling teeth. The upload process (even using the ZIP option, which limits you to 100MB files) frequently fails and often results in multiple duplicate photos, which you then have to go through and delete. And there's no manual way to sort the photos after uploading. I appreciate that the option is there, but it is so much easier for me to upload my pictures to Picasaweb and get the links from there. I hope there is an update to Photopost at some point and makes it a lot more user friendly.
I hope there is an update to Photopost at some point and makes it a lot more user friendly.

Yeah I just wanted to put it out there. It's been around for a long time so I'm not holding my breath on any drastic improvements. It's even worse to administer than it is to use.