how to clean the lenses area in head light

I don't think that it is foggy, but it is not as clear as it should be..

And not yet HID.. I'm running on Sylvanna Silverwhite ( I think thats what it called) pretty bright for halogen bulbs.. But I do plan to order my SOS in Sept.
Just a suggestion, untried by me, but I think it might do the trick.

Take a cotton ball, a piece of gauze, and a stick of small diameter, preferably flexible, and long enough to reach to corners of the front of the headlamp asembly from the bulb opening. A brave person might use a wire clothes hanger, but there are thin dowel type sticks to be found in places like hobby stores, or for floral use, or to hold balloons, etc. Then, wrap the cotton in the gauze, and tape the combination to the stick end without taping over the working end of your giant homemade cotton swab. Add window cleaner and see if you can clear up those lenses.

Since I have not tried this myself, and since this seems obviously simple, there may be obstructions inside the headlight I don't know about. Even if this swab cannot be used here, it must have some application where ordinary swabs fall short. There are some large swabs available for commercial/industrial use, but I have not searched for a source.

Good luck,

It is odd for the inside to be very dirty, make sure that the headlight caps are in place and the seals are good.

I've fixed this problem before on another car by using isopropyl alcohol (make sure you get a very high alcohol content (90%+) if you buy a store bought variety.

Remove lights & dump alcohol in the headlights, swirl, dump out. Repeat. Let them completely dry out (very important) making sure that all alcohol vapors have been removed.

-- Chris

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