1. What is the proper procedure for changing the fluid to ensure close to 100% change?
2.Is there a procedure to "flush" out the old coolant? Which plug to open to have a complete drain the fluid ? And use distill water to flush or tap water?
3. Then how do you refill? 50/50 (coolant/distill water) or 60/40. What is the best estimation of gallons of the fluid after the drain, of course there will be ton of fluid still trapped in the engine?
Thanks in advance
2.Is there a procedure to "flush" out the old coolant? Which plug to open to have a complete drain the fluid ? And use distill water to flush or tap water?
3. Then how do you refill? 50/50 (coolant/distill water) or 60/40. What is the best estimation of gallons of the fluid after the drain, of course there will be ton of fluid still trapped in the engine?
Thanks in advance