how stupid some ppl are

21 September 2002
Mid Central, USA
I was in a video store about to rent new releases, all of a sudden I hear one of the workers saying, " Is that what I think it is?!" "Yup, its an NSX!" They were saying how nice it was, then the other guy, who was licking and Ice cream says, "I should put some ice cream on it...." laughing. His seemed to not share his stupid joke. Anyways, I go up to the counter and I tell him, "Man you should, put some ice cream on there, its so nice and shinny!"
"but I bet you'd be scared to!" "I tell him, man, if you could get inside and trash his interior too!!!" " Would you do it!?" This joker starts getting into it and laughing! I put my keys on the counter.

Thank You Acura for having the bright red NSX engraved onto the key! His friend looks at the key and starts laughing and eyes and fingers points at his friend. Suddenly this guy is lost for words with worried look on his face. He suddenly apologizes to me and says he did not mean anything, he was just talking. His friend says," Don't pay attention to my friend, he's just jealous..." The joker did not speak a word after that. Would not look at me at me at all. His head down, eyes on the ground. I just looked directly at him and walked out. I hear laughter in the whole place, non coming fromt the joker though....

I swear, I would have hurt this ass.
This was an employee of the store?

He suddenly apologizes to me and says he did not mean anything
Sure he did. He meant that he was envious, but hated people who were able to afford an NSX.

it was an employee of the store... Now he has to see me everytime I rent if he still works there. I am looking forward to it.
Couple months ago there was a pack of little kids riding their bikes up and down the street. I'm cleaning the interior of the NSX and I keep hearing this one little kid saying "let's run into that red car" everytime he went by.

I think he is about 8 or 9. I think it's just human nature for some people to "hate".
Re: yes

valenzul said:
it was an employee of the store... Now he has to see me everytime I rent if he still works there. I am looking forward to it.

Him: "Hello may I help you?"

valenzul: "Yes, do you any ice cream to-go with this movie?"
He is very lucky or I am lucky... 3 years ago I used to get in a fight in the highways, parking lots, because I would have some sort of problem with something someone did... something simple. I calmed down alot as I got older. Now that I'm going to be a father I've let things go cause its just not worth the hassle. I've got more energy to spend on enjoying what I have and what I would like to accomplish.
He was probably a Ferrari/Corvette owner. :D :D

hehehe... that's a funny story. That's how i'd want to handle the situation -- you proved your point, protected your car from getting creamed, and made him realize how stupid the comment was. Nicely handled!