How often did you go topless this year?

The top is always off, unless it is cold. As cars go a removable top is a pretty rare option. I feel lucky to have the choice. It looks a little more exotic too.
I love topless, just wear a hat so I don't fry lol. Topless always looks better ;)
We have 2 topless seasons here in Texas - spring and fall (summer is just too damn hot!). The second season of the year is just beginning so I am looking forward to many topless days coming up soon :biggrin: When I have the top off, other drivers frequently engage me in conversation at stop lights.
There is two reason why I don't want to go topless all the time. One is weather here in Houston is just too damn hot :mad:. The other is when you go topless dust tend to get inside the car more all in the carpet, seats and cracks over time builds up and I hate that :frown:. Other than that top off once in awhile is ok and for sure it does make the NSX looks much more sportier/exotic tho the NSX is already exotic looking :biggrin:
Top off as much as possible! I can hear the exhaust better! One of the many joys of having this car, options! I do get more people pulling up and talking to me with the top down. Feeling of ultimate freedom. Open air motoring is the way to go!
Serious, man? That just doesn't seem like you...... It only takes seconds to rip it off/stow/and put back. I know you are an enthusiast.

Ken posted this photo from your Colo Sprgs today (at NSXPO), and I saw myself NSX'ing with T roof OFF. :smile:

Yeah, it's usually too hot to take the top off, and when it isn't and I do take it off, I just end up getting a sunburn.

In hindsight I'd rather have the stiffer and lighter chassis of a coupe.
I like my car like my girls so that answers that...

On a serious note, I keep the top off and use a soft top (came with the car and is far more useful than I imagined it would be). I'm in CT so it will have the hard top in the cooler months (and in the real cold months I'll have the other top....the car cover on).
Whoa! I had no idea those existed. I bought a pair of mechanics gloves I leave behind the drivers seat. First time I took the roof off I took a burn refusing to drop the roof...
Almost all the time unless it's raining or it's a really short trip.

In my old S2000, I've had the top down from 28 deg - 110 deg in Dallas. :)
I love having the option.Crispy fall days with the heat on is awesome.
Btw, I never knew there was a"soft" top?????
0 :frown:

Haven't driven it much this year due to working so far from home and doing the mods have keep it in the shop all summer.

A lot so far but still 3 months left in the year so more topless days to come. Gotta love living in SoCal.:biggrin:
To each his own. I love it and that roof's impact in performance is well past my driving skills. Were I tracking it a lot, the hard roof is a better option. My car is more used to complement my swagger...
To each his own. I love it and that roof's impact in performance is well past my driving skills. Were I tracking it a lot, the hard roof is a better option. My car is more used to complement my swagger...

It's well past most peoples driving skills.

My recent 3900 mile road trip was at least 50% topless. Would have been lots more, but it rained on me most of the way home.