How much tire wear is normal?

11 November 2002
St. Louis
Upon purchasing my stock 91 with new tires a few months ago, I had it re-aligned to the 94 specs to reduce tire wear as suggested per this site. 1200 miles later, my rear tires are worn through to the fabric.

The funny thing is that they are just worn on the outside edge. (about 2 inches worth)

My question is that although I know rear tires wear quickly on the NSX's, something has to be wrong with this picture here. I don't drive very aggressively, don't spin tires, turn too fast, etc. These are Yokohama A022H1 tires.

Could the dealer have alligned my vehicle improperly or is it just me?
IF the tire wear was even to begin with and you haven't been out doing doughnuts in the parking lot, it is abnormal to wear the outside of your rear tires like that. First guess would be bad alignment (either done wrong or the machine is out of calibration).

If you look at the rear tires you should be able to see the tops are tilted in just a tad compared to the bottom. This is negative camber, which is how it should be aligned. If you are wearing the outside of your rear tires that quickly, I would expect you may have positive camber in which case the bottoms would be in and the top out just a little. If you have a precise level you can check it yourself in your garage to at least see which way it's going.
Your rear tires should wear evenly and last anywhere from 4K to 10K miles.

Definitely check the alignment first. Also make sure the wheels are true (not out of round) and in balance.