How much time did you spend searching for your NSX before buying?

17 September 2003
I think most of us will agree that it was love at first sight when the NSX was introduced to the world. However, I was 13 at the time and actually owning an NSX was far from a reality.

12 years later, I'm in a position where owning an NSX is a definite possibility. Now the hard part seems to be "finding the one."

How much time did you all spend searching for your NSX before you purchased it?
Over 5 years since I am very picky. I only want a perfect mint car for myself. :)
I wanted one in 91 started looking in 00 bought one in 01.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
10 days, but only because I am in California.

I haven't found one yet, and it appears it may be a long process, especially since I am NOT in California.

The small computer application here may be of interest. While it dosen't take into consideration of all factors of a used NSX, at least it helps keeping track of them. Trying to get the app onto the website, so anyone can use it.

Good luck.
One day.

I got a call that there was one about to go to auction and my cousin who is a wholesaler called me and told me about the car. I had never driven one and I knew nothing about the car. As it ended up, I gave him a number that I'd pay for the car and he called me back at the end of day telling me that I got it.

I wasn't even serious about buying an NSX but has been the best car that I've ever owned.
Spent 2 months looking in 1999. Waited 4 years and spent last 2 months finding my 1995, which is being delivered next week! :D

Total active time = 4 months.
Well I've wanted one since it came out.

It wasn't until two years ago that I could afford one.

When I was seriously looking, it took me 3-4 months.

Had it for a year now.
it took me six months. i already quit looking cuz deal always stolen by someone. and finally i was just browsing the site and ran over one for sale. talked to the guy for a week. picked it up that weekend..
It took me about a year to find my NSX, once I decided I was going to buy a red one. I purchased it locally, so I lucked out.

To those still seeking one, good luck.
My NSX dream started when I first saw magazine pics of concept art back (*I think*) in 1989.

I didn't get serious about buying one until 1999. A business colleague (planning to buy a Ferrari) suggested he might give me a great deal on his black '97 NSX-T. That was roughly three years before he sold it...I'm glad I didn't wait.

When I finally decided to buy new in March of 2000, I saw an ad in the L.A. Times for a new red/black NSX-T. I was still thinking black, so I headed to the dealership to check out the changes for the new model. One look at the red and I had to have it...I finalized the sale on that very day.
It took me 6 months but I was in Canada so that's equal to 10 American months. I drove one and was hooked so I ordered a new 91 and put a deposit down. I lost my job so got the deposit back. Six months later I landed another job and bought the NSX to drive to work.
Well, it took me 6 months. Mainly on Ebay and Autotrader before I found mine. Only advise is........BE PATIENT! First, I went through to get AN IDEA of what year car was in my budget. Make sure you have an expert go through the car first, check CARFAX, and take a test drive to feel for tranny slip, excessive rattles (in a targa), etc. Look for receipts of past service and look for a car not in snap ring range and one that has documented timing belt change. Good luck!

Began a serious search in March of this year after concluding literally several years of researching everything about this car. I have had a ferrari 308gts and did not want the same problems with an NSX. Picked my 96 NSX-t up in July and have had no regrets. I was expecting a much longer search process and having to go out of state to get one, but I lucked out as a local dealer in high end sports cars/exotics took a pristine red/tan in on a trade for a ferrari testarossa (yuck). I think I got the better end of the deal!!!!!:D :D :D
Got one waiting for me til I'm ready. My brother owns it. I too am from California.
Four and a half years, from the time the first rumors of its development surfaced in 1986 (and I put down a deposit at a dealer), until I bought mine (new) at the end of 1990.
12 years of dreaming. Many months reading everything I could about the car (many thanks for this site). Two months of hardcore, ready to buy type of searching. Found it two weeks ago, drove it home (200 miles) last weekend.
Wanted one ever since they've had them.
- Decided I could afford one in 1995.
- Started looking for a Sebring Silver car in early 1997.
- Gave up and bought a 91 Red/Ivory in October 1997.
- My 93 Silver/Black found me in September 1998.

Total search time about 6 months.
Car came out when I was 18 and drooling

Dreamed of a silver bullet

Started on 30th Bday in Feb 2003, found in August (@ 6months)

Be patient my friend, she is out there just waiting 4 U 2 find her!

91 silver/ivory
89 accord
73 roadrunner
Three months the first time...

...three weks the second! Once you know the car and you read A LOT of Prime you can do it in an easy way (snap ring, intern/extern, services, windows, stereo, ...) ;)