How much does it cost to repaint an NSX?

Depends how good of a job you want done. I've seen people quote prices on here ranging from a few grand to over ten grand.

2 cents.
What color and are you expecting perfection? If you expect perfection, expect to pay at least 10k.

No matter what, once a car is repainted, it's not going to be like the origional. It can be real close though...
Does anyone know? Any good recommendations in the Pacific Northwest? Many thanks!

Do you know Dan from Seattle? You should talk to him if you're willing to drive the car out there. He recently had lots of work done on his car.
Same color? Different color. If you're going to paint it a different color it's going to cost you a TON of money because they will have to disassemble the car to ensure EVERYTHING matches, e.g. perhaps remove the engine to paint the engine bay, etc. If you don't it will look like crap, IMO.

Even if I were to paint my car the same color, I would expect to spend close to $8K to $10K.
I did a repaint from Black to Rio Yellow with everything but the engine bay and front spare tire well done and it was about $7500. It was done by Mike Phan who has sibce disappeared from the planet... Good work for the most part, but to be honest if I had it to do over, I'd just sell and buy another with better paint. By the time your done, the $ will be about the same!
Send your car down to so. cal w/ Mike @ MVDesignz in Santa Ana, CA...there # is 714 554 2728. They do impeccable work and at fair $$. I had my car completely repainted there a slightly different shade of red and a body kit that he fitted together beautifully.

Send your car down to so. cal w/ Mike @ MVDesignz in Santa Ana, CA...there # is 714 554 2728. They do impeccable work and at fair $$. I had my car completely repainted there a slightly different shade of red and a body kit that he fitted together beautifully.


so how much?