How many NSX's were built per week/day


Experienced Member
9 November 2006
San Diego
Just curious if anyone knows the time it took to buid one of our hand built beauties and also how many cam of the line per day/week. This would be an interesting fact to know.

My 02' has was one of the first 15 built with the fixed headlights and wanted to try to find out if it was built in the first week of production..

It seems to me that the NSX coffee book said something about the time frame it takes to build the car. I could be wrong though.
I know with FMC, it is difficult to find out the exact date that they switched from one model year to another. I've seen them make two completely different vehilces that are the same kind of vehicle but different bodies but classified as the same model year !!!
I think they were producing 2/day on average over say 12 years.
According the article here at Honda's website - the factory produced about 25 cars per day early on (1991).

But later in the NSX history the volume must have dropped to just a few cars a day since the volume dropped dramatically.
Great article on the history of the NSX. THANK you for posting it. I thought I have read all NSX realted articles but a I was wrong....

interesting article, the workers had other hondas to keep payroll up I guess.
Honda originally planned for 25 cars per day, after realizing the demand was a lot greater than 6000 per year planned, they had double shift going for about a year, which resulted in about 9000 NSX. Half of the total NSX production were made in 1990 to early 1992. The production slowed down in 1992 to about 10 cars per day, by 1993/94, the production went down even more until the introduction of the T, but die off again shortly after that. By 1998, it was about 1 per day average. The number is for the world wide production. for the world wide production.

In 1999, the Tochigi factory ended up building S2K and Insight until 2004.
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