How many NSXes sold each year?

15 July 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
Just wondering how many NSXs are sold for the last couple of years?
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Yes I did but I'm interested on the 2000-2002 numbers. I'm thinking it was lower than 200 units a year based on the FAQ table.
Ojas said:
American Honda NSX Sales (US + Canada, I think)
2000: 221
2001: 182
2002: 223
2003: 194 thru August
Keep in mind that these sales numbers are by calendar year of when the sales took place, not by model year.
The facelift in 2002 is a huge mistake at least financially. IMO, the new look should have never happened. The money should have gone into the R&D of the new car if there is one.

It means tripled. :)

The sentence that was taken from does not really mean much since they sold so few NSX in the UK to begin with... sample size is too small to draw any meaningful conclusion. If anything the low sales numbers support whiteNSXs's ROI statement.

It may be a bad financial decision, but the '02 NSX-R is (partially) a result of that facelift. Personally, I've warmed-up to the facelift and am glad Honda is using its record sales to "subsidize" the NSX refresh. Now, about that "new" NSX... :)
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Australia totals 131 since 90' and only 3 since facelift.
U.K. X's...

hmm... I've been in the U.K./London area for 8 1/2 months & seen:

2-3 NSX's advertised in auto-trader type publications...

1 NSX for sale featured in TopGearMagazine as a "deal for under $£25k" (about a lady who had certain amount to spend and her options...the verdict was if the NSX had a documented history /service-maint'/ it was the way to go)...

1 actual owner (who incidentally is a lawyer by qualifications- but an ethnic grocery-store owner's son by trade
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cmhs75 said:
Of course it is! The development and the tooling costs for the HID housing, the front bumper, fenders, hood, brakes, wheels, rear bumper, taillights, and whatever small changes that 2002+ have must have been astronomical. With that much money, and the increase in sale is, say 10 more compared to what it would be with no change!? I truly doubt the 2002+ did any substantial impact as far as to its position in the automobile world. IMHO, if that money was spared and "donated" to put in every new 2002+ NSX( with original cosmetics) a factory built or just Comptech supercharger and boosts the power to 400 horses, perhaps the sales of NSX would be much higher and money better spent.
I think it's common sense that Honda didn't and doesn't earn money with the NSX - for this high class product the sticker price was never high enough. It is a kind of marketing instrument.

I see it here in Germany where every Honda club has at least one NSX pic on his website although none of the members owns one. They dream of it and are proud that it's a Honda too.

May be different in U.S. with this Honda/Acura dividing.
OK, so the NSX facelift was a financial loss. But , as NSX-Racer pointed out. The whole point of the existence of the NSX is to lift the company's image. Plus, giving them a street legal toy to test out all their new techs which would eventually filter down to your humble CIVIC

. Even if this means a lot of money loss – Honda is a huge company, it wont fell it.

The same thing is done with that HONDA highbred car, I think it was the ( Insight ).

But if they just put a huge supercharger on the 2002 NSX and leave it as is, they would have benefited instantaneous financial gain. But for the long run, it wouldn’t help them.

Think of it in terms of Image. HONDA, one of the pioneers of engine technology, just throws in the towel and goes for forced induction instead. and saves cash while doing so.

You have digressed, CMHS75. We all know what NSX stands for at Honda. The point is the facelift and the millions of dollars poured into it did not improve anything, not sales or image. Every time a company spends money on something, there should be a good cause. I don't thing the facelift achieved anything. Money wasted.
usually when you look at most cars ..they usually change styling add ground effect or changing cosmetics.... simple changes..

imo i dont honda whats to go the route of power adders is their current NSX ..and i think that maybe the current engine might be at it's end of the developement...

i agree Honda should have saved the money..but at the same time could you see Honda justifying making virtually the same body for 12 years...