How many NA2 NSX-R?

14 March 2009
I know the production numbers are 483 total for NA1 NSX-R, but I've been searching and searching and can't find any numbers on NA2 production totals.
Nice thanks!
As a side note the document shows 140 NA2 NSX-R plus 1 NSX-R GT.
There are now 5 NA2 R GT's. I'm assuming that Spoon simply converted four more NSX-R out of the production pool.That would leave the totals for NSX-R NA2 at 136.
Slapping a body kit and some bolt-on parts on an NSX doesn't make it an NSX-R GT
Slapping a body kit and some bolt-on parts on an NSX doesn't make it an NSX-R GT

I don't think the poster was talking about the recently converted Spoon R GT's.

I read that there were 5 original R GT's back then.
He's saying those are not real NSX-R GT's...what don't you get?

They are not originals from the factory built as NSX-R GT's......

Its like us putting a NSX-R badge's on our NSX's and calling them Type- R's.

There are 5 made and only one was supposedly sold.....but reading his posts I understand it as him taking the four others being converted by Spoon that are the other factory originals 4 NSX-R GT's, which are just replicas.

If I am wrong then my bad......but anything made by Spoon to be claimed as NSX-R GT's are replicas......unless Honda has something going with Spoon to have them making the originals.
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