How many LBBP NSX's in the Bay Area?

Looking for a LBBP with BLK interior, if anyone knows one in good condition. Buying immediately.

Thanks guys.
I was in my purple one a few months ago heading up Alpine Rd into Woodside when I saw a LBBP coming the other way.

Plenty of rich people in Woodside with huge car collections that don't get driven very much, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few slumbering in big houses up that-a-way.
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Looking for a LBBP with BLK interior, if anyone knows one in good condition. Buying immediately.
So you're looking for one of 34 LBBP/BLK NSX's that were sold nationwide, and that includes one sold with automatic transmission, as well as however many were wrecked or are otherwise not in good condition. Good luck with that. You may want to broaden your search criteria. Looking at those with other interior colors (21 tan, 33 blue) would be a good place to start.