How long will you wait for your Mechanic?

7 June 2002
In The Middle
Good Read...

Driving: The Mechanic Can See Your Ferrari Now

March 5, 2004

I WAS worried," David Letterman said, "that he wouldn't see
me when I called him." But Mr. Letterman wasn't trying to
get an appointment with a top-notch cardiac specialist. He
was looking to get one of his vintage cars into the garage
of Frangois Sicard, a Connecticut mechanic widely known as
the go-to guy for Ferraris in need of repair.

High anxiety over a mechanic? For the finicky owners of
exotic and classic cars Mr. Sicard, a former Ferrari racing
mechanic, is among a cadre of high-end specialists who have
established themselves as highly sought after - and often
elusive - repair-shop gurus. Known for their high
standards, historical knowledge and love of the marques,
these mechanics, body craftsmen and upholsterers have
clients who are willing to wait months - if not years - for
an appointment and then spend $25,000 and more to have an
engine rebuilt, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars
for a complete restoration.

That's if they can get in. Most of these specialists don't
advertise and, Mr. Letterman's experience aside, won't pick
up the phone for just anybody. Many have long waiting lists
and clients with famous names and deep pockets, from Mr.
Letterman to Ralph Lauren, who entrusts his Bugattis to
Paul Russell, a Massachusetts expert in those Italian cars.

Bill Hoff, a manufacturing executive from Rockford, Ill.,
mounted a four-month campaign to get his partially rebuilt
Porsche into the Chatham, N.J., garage of John and Ray
Paterek, acknowledged to be experts in the 356 model line.
Mr. Hoff started out interviewing other Porsche owners, who
steered him to the brothers' garage. Then he had several
long phone interviews with John Paterek, in which the two
men felt each other out, doing a kind of automotive mating
dance. After Mr. Hoff submitted photos of his car, Mr.
Paterek agreed to take it on. "I really feel Mr. Hoff is
motivated by a love of the car and wants top work," Mr.
Paterek said. It also didn't hurt that Mr. Hoff's car is a
rare 1951 Cabriolet. "I want to work on this car," Mr.
Paterek said.

In many cases, being accepted is only the first step to
having your car fixed. Mr. Lauren's Bugatti expert, Mr.
Russell, said that the next slot he had for an engine
rebuilding was in mid-June, and he might be able to have it
back to the customer in September. A car with major work?
Sign up for a spot starting in the fall 2005. Meanwhile,
Bonjour Stunson, a master of British cars in Glen Carbon,
Ill., is booked for the next seven months for any big jobs,
though he could slot you in for an oil change on relatively
short notice.

BUT those waits are nothing compared with Tom Yang's
odyssey to have Mr. Sicard work on his car. Mr. Yang - a
self-avowed gearhead - was introduced to Mr. Sicard by a
Sicard customer and started hanging around the rural
Connecticut repair shop about nine years ago. "I got
smitten by Ferraris then," said Mr. Yang, a television
audio engineer. But he didn't think he could afford one.

Finally, Mr. Sicard counseled him to buy one of the cars in
parts, then rebuild it himself. "He said he would help and
guide me," said Mr. Yang, who bought his 1963 330GT America
dismantled in August 1999, and then for the next four and a
half years worked "Ferrari Fridays" in Mr. Sicard's shop,
helping out with grunt work in return for the master's time
on his car.

Now Mr. Yang, who maintains a Web site about his car (he
said he had thousands of hits a day), has become a
gatekeeper of sorts for the master mechanic. When Ferrari
fans e-mail him asking for Mr. Sicard's number, Mr. Yang
interviews them first to see if he thinks they're
compatible, then confers with Mr. Sicard and, then and only
then, passes along the right cars and personalities for a
phone consultation.

"People kid me and say I only work for rich people," said
Mr. Sicard. "But I try to help everyone who likes the
cars." Surprisingly, like many of the master mechanics, his
hourly rate is close to the $85 an hour that is routinely
charged by new-car dealerships. But working on an exotic
can take far longer than having your late-model Ford or
Chrysler serviced. Figure about $200 for a Ferrari oil
change with 14 quarts of oil, two filters and a road test.

And woe to any client who tries to hurry the process
along. "We take longer for those who push us," said Carl
Nelson, a BMW specialist who runs the La Jolla Independent
Service garage in Southern California. "Fortunately, some
customers are trainable."

Wayne Carini runs F40 Motorsports and Carini Carrozzeria,
both in Portland, Conn., and does paint and body work for
Mr. Letterman's cars. He said that another client - "a
powerful man" - once dropped off a Ferrari unannounced for
body work and repainting. "Then he phoned almost every hour
asking when I'd strip the paint and get to work." Mr.
Carini said. His response? "We sent his car back, and told
him not to come back."

Indeed, for the A-list types who tend to collect exotic
cars, dealing with a guru mechanic can be a humbling
experience. Stuart Zeh, a management consultant from Glen
Ridge, N.J., said he thought of himself as a fairly
hard-charging personality. But when it comes to having the
Patereks work on his rare 1950 Cabriolet, he's all
humility. "I'm thrilled to be part of the process," he
said. "I track possible parts sources, and work on small
parts. I'm so privileged these guys accept my cars."

And in the case of some automotive specialists and their
clients, at least, the anxiety runs both ways. "I work
closely with customers, reviewing progress and materials,"
said Paul Russell of Essex, Mass., who has been rebuilding
Mr. Lauren's vintage cars since 1980, including an
award-winning Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic Coupe, which has
been valued as high as $15 million. "But there's always
that deep breath I take when I pull the cover off. How will
Mr. Lauren react to the finished product?"
Great Article

Ha ha ha!
I love it :D
The worst part about it?
If I had the choice of a mechanic that could see me now for $1000 or waiting for someone and paying $1500... I'd wait.
Because it’s what the meaning of waiting and increase cost are associated with.
Better service?
Better quality?
More knowledgeable staff?
Genuine concern?

Maybe there IS a mechanic out there at a regular old dealership that does care, that does the work for the work and not the pay.

I doubt i.
(and even if they did care when they started, the dealer broke their will - and they run like everyone else when the 5 o'clock bell rings)