How long until the next white male President?

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23 October 2007
Bakersfield, CA
With women and minorities making great strides in the political theater, will the traditional white male president become a rarity?

If Obama is in for eight , powerful women lining up and the minority growing in future decades, the pinnacle of the white male presidential dominance may have passed.

It appears the game has changed! ["not that there is anything wrong with that" Quote:Seinfeld.] Anything is now possible, on a more level playing field.

My guess, 16 to 24 years, or longer?

Good luck to all and may the best people win!
You'd assume in a just situation it would be proportional to population over the long term. If you want to play 'catch up', it could be a while. I never really considered it relevant myself to be honest.
Actually, I don't care about color or gender. I'm just wondering how long until the next moderate or conservative President.

The Obama win opens the door for many non-white-male candidates that are conservative.

It's clear what the Republicans must do now.

Your post is really off the mark. This has nothing to do with Obama's skin color. It's about his judgement, politics, beliefs, etc.

Why introduce race?

According to statistics, the white people will become a minority in 2021. white people need to make more babies to catch up with other minorities.:biggrin:
According to statistics, the white people will become a minority in 2021. white people need to make more babies to catch up with other minorities.:biggrin:

Mexican will work hard to become the president before 2021. :biggrin::biggrin:
4 years the world will find out that a black guy can't run the government much less the hood!!!

I believe you meant "can't run the hood much less the government!"

Either way it sounds DUMB!
Say what you want!!!!! You know if he didn't get elected America would be burning before the sun was to rise on November 5th...............................
If you type in "assassination" in the google search bar the first related search it turns up is:


Its sad to say and not very nice of me, but I think its a real possibility. I also think Biden wouldn't be all that bad. And there you go, back to a white male president.
I propose we kill all president bickering threads and get back to googing and gagging over NSX parts, dynos, race track, 'genuine type r parts,' nickle n dimin' and complainin.............. etc..


Tomorrow I'm for the first time in a LOOONG time going to plug my battery in and take the dust off my car! Exciiiiiiiiiited!
doesnt matter to me who the leader is as long as we get out this crisis

Crisis #1. for the "go getter" American is to learn how to live in a socialistic nation. For those who is making $120000.01 dollars, what they can do to avoid loosing the extra 10?% loss in income if they happen to worked that extra 10 minutes over time by accident. And those who "want" to be disabled can simple go "ouch my back hurts."

Crisis #2. is to figure out why Obama's supporters claimed they will have their mortgage and gas paid by the government, out of actual tax payer's pocket? How can we join the party?

Crisis #3 is to see Iran complete their nuclear bomb, nuked Israel and take over Iraq while the White House just sit there an watch.

Crisis #4 will be the job lost in the field of military since the democrats has pledged the military is not an important entity for this nation because we need to be like the Europeans, hence our inability to stay as a world power, and job loss in the defense sector. More military bases will be shut down, therefore, the surrounding communities will die economically.

Crisis #5 is if the Corporations will move out of this country to avoid higher taxes, hence more job loss.

Crisis #6 will be the world's view on USA. They will love Obama because he wants to please them; by pleasing the people who doesn't like us, he will have to relinquish certain "things." Historically speaking, the world is happy when we have a weak president, they hate us when we have a good president.

Crisis #7 will be our health care system; if it goes national, it will be irreversible.

Crisis #8 is our new government will be challenge free within the political system; therefore, any social entitlement agenda the dems come up with will be almost certain to pass, which again, some may not be reversible if the agenda turn out to be wrong.

Crisis #9 will be energy related. Now every thing is control by the liberals, we will not drill within our own land. The polar bear and seal lovers will push for more restriction. OPEC will laugh their way to the bank and perhaps have their way by trading their crude in Euros instead of dollars. Venezuela will pull the plug on US supply because they have new buyers such as China and Russia. The coal industry will be taxed to death so they can go out of business to help mother earth heal from the damage created by people of USA.

Crisis #10 will be the poor neighborhoods; they will be expecting spoon-fed checks and will not improve within their own communities, which will cause additional financial burden to the actual tax payers.

Crisis #11 will be the union members continue to received raises under the support of the government, regardless if the company can sustain. People such as "Laid-off" UAW members will all get their job back sitting around with bigger pay checks while they continue to built cars few will buy, therefore, they have to offer stepper incentives to lure buyers while taking substitutes from the government in order to stay in business.

Crisis #12.......

Of course those are the possible scenarios under our new president elect, derived from his own words.

If that is the case, we're not only screwed, most of us will suffer through our life time. If it doesn't happen, tomorrow will be a better day.
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Am I gonna get some of that free stuff too?

There is still prejudice going on here but it's not the same ol same ol type. Add to it the brand new prejudice of the rich and we have a disaster being born here.

If during Obama's term the first white person gets a pay out from a black person who made a racial slur then I will say, we are making progress!

From another forum

on the news last night, it was reported that O was getting 100% of the black vote in certain areas.

you put 100 people in a room and you couldn't get them all to agree the sun will come up tomorrow.

As Patton said, "If we are all thinking alike, someone AIN'T THINKING."

This probably applies here as well.
I will ask the question; how long will it be before we hear about another this gate or that gate investion related to this president elect?
I will ask the question; how long will it be before we hear about another this gate or that gate investion related to this president elect?

You won't hear about them but you'll certianly see them being put near driveways and on windows all around your neighborhood. We are going to have to protect ourselfs from the militia, opps...I mean the "civilian national security force".
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