How long till first ticket?

26 February 2006
California Republic
From the moment you drove the car off, how long did it take for you to get your FIRST ticket in the NSX? No matter what the offense, how much did you break it by, and how much was the penalty? Oh and soliciting minors in the car or prostitutes does not count, and ya might wanna keep that to yourself! LOL

Day 3, didn't even make it out of the state. Decided to hang around texas with an ex gf for a day/night. Busted on my way home.

93 in 70
$235 or $295
3 days... haha... nice going. Man there I was flying low under the radar cruising around in my CL6... never got any tickets... just a few "nice car" comments from the cops... now this damn NSX with its svelte "I am going too fast" body....

I think I have to now start figuring in speeding tickets to all my "cost of ownership" calculators.
I was pulled over the first night I bought my car. Purchased it in Maryland a little north of the beltway and was heading home that night after stopping by a friends place on the way back. Fairfax Co trooper passed me as I was heading for the highway and pulled me over right as I was getting on the on-ramp. All I had was a bill of sale and the title. Luckily there was no speeding ticket just a warning for operation without proper registration. He couldn't even tell me why I was pulled over, but that was the end result.

It sucks that 2nd gear is so tall. Redlining that alone is in automatic reckless driving speed(80+ in VA). Since then I've seen the top of 3rd gear a few times(could count on two hands). Knock on wood. Be safe and watch for the 5-0!
Six and a half years after I bought it...

2 years no tickets in Colorado.Knock on wood...

nsxtasy said:
Six and a half years after I bought it...

Nice write up in the rocky mountian news.... At least you have something to remember it by..
I have had this car for almost 2 years....never been pulled over....back when I worked for Acura (young/stupid) I was pulled over for 125 in a 55..the Cop was a customer that had just picked up a First generation GSR...he asked to see the engine bay..and gave me a warning:smile:

A few weeks back I was driving a little too aggressively and I said to myself, "Myself, I should not be driving like this, It's not safe and It won't be hard to pick this car out of traffic as there are not many around"....about 2 miles down the road I saw a black car just like mine going the other way:biggrin:
First engagement w/ the 'fuzz...

How long after ownership?

Precisely one year after acquisition, I believe.

Citation issued for?

Excessive Speeding / Wreckless/endangerment

Amount over limit?



3days in County, half-a-dozen hearings, credit time-served, 4-figure fine

Otherwise, it's been uneventful in terms NSX-ownership (thank god!). Now, in 13-14yrs of having a driver's license... very close to 50 speeding tickets, but not quite there yet. My goal is to go rest of my life w/o hitting that mark, once again: god-willing! Almost been one whole-year since Smokey & me have had a chat!
Re: First engagement w/ the 'fuzz...

Bart Geerts said:
'only' six speeding tickets in 2005...

The fifth was not enough to slow you down any???!:eek:
nsxtasy said:
Six and a half years after I bought it...


thanks. :eek:

Love the lil text below the picture. "The impresive Acura NSX":biggrin:
Almost a year to the day.

It was during the 2005 NSXPO. Most folks went on after the drive to Prescott. I decided to hit the mountain one more time. Apparently, they do a calculation of speed via some stripes painted on the road. My "average" speed was 46 in a 30. If it wasn't for a dead stop and some picture taking, that "average" might have been a LOT more. :wink:

All the cop said was "I know you were doing a lot more than 46, but the law is on your side this time."

Took an on-line class and had the ticket dismissed. Nothing else even close since then. First ticket since 1988.
AndyH said:
So how much were the fine back then for doing 112MPH?
With one driver, it was typically around $1000. But with eleven of us, we negotiated a group discount. :D
Still going...

knock knock (on wood)

I came close on the road home from NSXPO 01'. We were passing through East St. Louis on a 4 lane, and some lady was tailgating me pretty close. At an opportune moment I dove into a hole in traffic so she could speed on past. We were shocked when she got nabbed by an undercover in a VW Jetta about 5 cars ahead of us...

Dad always says- "It's red, and if they catch you, they will have no mercy..."

I have been lucky thus far.

knock on wood, no tickets yet, BUT get pulled over often for no front license plate and window tint being too dark.

Then they ask, "so how fast you think you were going?"
My answer often, "speeding is against the law sir, and so is lying, so you tell me."
They laugh and walk off or ask me, "what kinda car is this?"
End of conversation when I drive off.

so i got a front plate and the windows retinted...

So far, so good, although I've only driven the car 1100 miles in the 4 weeks that I've owned it. I'm behaving in this car, as I have been ticket free for over 2 years. I did have a stretch of getting a ticket a month for 6-7 months in a 326 whp bright blue WRX w/gold wheels. One officer commented that my "car stands out like a sore thumb."

I'm trying to believe that responsible (or should I say paranoid?:tongue: )driving will keep me ticket free...
Re: First engagement w/ the 'fuzz...

Osiris_x11 said:
How long after ownership?

Precisely one year after acquisition, I believe.

Citation issued for?

Excessive Speeding / Wreckless/endangerment

Amount over limit?



3days in County, half-a-dozen hearings, credit time-served, 4-figure fine

Otherwise, it's been uneventful in terms NSX-ownership (thank god!). Now, in 13-14yrs of having a driver's license... very close to 50 speeding tickets, but not quite there yet. My goal is to go rest of my life w/o hitting that mark, once again: god-willing! Almost been one whole-year since Smokey & me have had a chat!

damn, you suck at speeding :wink:
So far after 3 years and 2 months I've received zero tickets in the NSX:biggrin: I hope to keep it that way:tongue:
Memorial weekend, 2004. Four months after getting it. 98 on the freeway. Wrote me for 90 though. $2 hundred something + traffic school.
