How hard to change Mufflers where are jack points

18 February 2008
Lewisville TX
I just got an ARK DTX, and from checking it out, believe It should be a simple change to do in my garage on jack stands, this will be my first time to use the jack stands (on an NSX) and do not want to mess something up, Can anyone tell me or is there a photo that shows where to place the stands? (God I wish I had a lift ) Also it seems that all there is are 3 nuts on each flange and then hangers. am I missing something to the install. I have bought new nuts and o-ring gaskets and have used kroil on the nuts in anticipation of them being fused to the bolts. I cant wait to install. Any thought on how much I should ask for the oem muffler, or should I keep with the car?

Always "search" for answers:)

I hope this will not be an issue, but based on the age of the car, you could break a stud removing the nuts. If so, you can just order new ones and mount them in the cat, once you remove the broken one(s). It is really a 50/50 shot. I have had non break, and I have had a few break.

18176-P08-003 is the part number for the studs. I keep six in stock just in case it is a really bad day:).
