The compressor is relatively easy to take out. Just 4 bolts and disconect the white wire. Weighs about 15 pounds would be my guess. Pull the fuse to the AC and you are probably done. 1/2 hour tops.
Removing the evaporator is a MAJOR pain and I wouldn't do it unless you were really turning this into a race car.
Be sure to remove the freon from the system before loosening any of the lines. The system is under pressure and you could injure yourself if your not careful. Just FYI.
Good advice - and for a couple more reasons, too. Freon is harmful if released to the environment. And it's very expensive, which you lose if you release it without recovering it.
Deqle, keep us posted if you diy and if not what the cost incurred comes to, for that matter post the diy self cost for caps and part #.I may remove mine for the same reason.(its not working anyway).I need to replace several caps that are leaking.even if I take it out I retain all my oem parts incase of terror of all terrors I am forced to sell for some unforseen tragity> layoff
ps I noticed that a guy from ark is going to post the how to white paper DIY on the procedure.I plan to do the same with step by step pics.I might even record the repair and make the tape available to the community as I hear of someones going south every week.of course the tape will be free.but keep us updated
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