How hard/easy is it to adjust ride height with Teins?

26 September 2000
Hi Guys,

I'm wondering what the procedures are like when one wants to adjust ride height either up/down on their Tein coilover suspension?

If I install the Tein coilovers will I have to get the car corner balanced? What are the "cons" if I don't?

Do I have to get a 4-wheel alignment? What if I don't?

Thanks for the help in advance
Very easy to adjust, it's like adjusting the rear shock on a bike, if you've ever done that. Unseat the two collars from each other, measure, adjust height of the top collar, lock the bottom collar into it. I can post a pic if you'd like, should only take you maybe half an hour if you've got it up on a lift, a little more if it's your first time, and only a few minutes to do once you get used to it. I measure mine from the bottom shock mount to the bottom collar when I adjust them, Tein recommends measuring differently but this seems to be the most linear area to get an accurate reading from.

- Jon
Hi Jon,

Thanks for the info. If it's not too much to ask can you post the pictures? btw, do you have pictures of your car? I've seen the inside over in the stereo thread but the outside looks interesting. Thanks