How Fast is Too Fast?

It does however, take balls of steal and a good stretch smooth road to achieve that.

And 3 of the BIG NOS tanks from the back :eek:

TF&F 4 coming to a theater near YOU
some people (no matter what the car) do not have the inherit ability to go fast.

So, because you are such a great driver with inherit (sic) ability, you can do what you want with no regard for posted speed limits and traffic? I'm glad you live in Kentucky and not near me. :rolleyes:

BTW, I'm sure you mean inherent ability.
In most of the California, speed limit is 65 on Freeway, but there is a "safe speed" law, if the entire traffic is traveling at 80mph, you should follow the speed of the traffic flow. However, if a cop wants to be a dick and select you, you can't really fight for it, because you are traveling above the speed limit. Very ironic.

The speed limit can be up to 70 MPH in California.

Section 22350 of the Vehicle Code is the "Basic Speed Law". The posted "speed limit" is the prima facie limit...essentially meaning that the posted limited is the safe speed to travel under most conditions. The actual limit may be *faster* or slower, depending on conditions (weather, traffic, lighting, etc...)

Section 22349 VC is the Maximum Speed Law, where there is no prima facie limit. It is presumed that exceeding this maximum speed is unsafe and you are guilty.

You are confusing two different vehicle code sections.
So, because you are such a great driver with inherit (sic) ability, you can do what you want with no regard for posted speed limits and traffic? I'm glad you live in Kentucky and not near me. :rolleyes:

BTW, I'm sure you mean inherent ability.

hey JAZZ, you should change your signature to SLWR N U.

BTW, i can't believe there is a teacher on the thread. now i have to use spell check and stop being too lazy to use the shift key to capitalize my proper nouns.
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BTW, i can't believe there is a teacher on the thread. now i have to use spell check and stop being too lazy to use the shift key to capitalize my proper nouns.

Well, there is a teacher here, and I may not be the only one. And being one does not make me slow. To the contrary, on the track I am quite fast.

BTW, knowing the difference between inherit and inherent has nothing to do with spell check. :wink:
that speed law that you guys were mentioning earlier, "safe speed limit" i thought that means if speed limit is 65 and its pouring cats and dogs with heavy fog ontop of it, cops can pull you over if your going 65 because its unsafe. as well as if your going 65 when everyone else is going 40. I dont think it means "well everyone was going 80 so i was just going with the flow". I could be wrong but, honestly if your going to go faster than the speed limit, accept the concequences.

something I love about prime is that everyone is relatively mature in their logic and debates but does not flame. unfortunately something that I noticed shortly after joining and reading a lot of posts is, some of the owners here seem to think that because they have an exotic, which is not even THAT exotic...they can break the rules and drive wrecklessly. I've seen all sorts of threads talking about speeding, trying to take corners too fast, spinning out and hitting things, accidents, street racing, and unfortunately it seems less shunned than forums plagued by 18 yr olds with a fresh lisence. Ie 240, evo, sti forums.

just because you have a semi-exotic, doesnt give you the right to break the rules and endager other people. Oh and guess what, when you die on the 405 and your car is in a ball, my ass has to sit in an extra hour of traffic becuase they blocked the whole damn freeway to clean up your brain matter.

if you want to push it, take it to the track and quit giving NSX owners a bad name.
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You don't seem to know the meaning of exotic.

You will not make any friends here by talking down the NSX, it's owners or this forum.
RedSun - the reason people talk share about doing 'things' with their cars is because they enjoy their cars, not because of an over-inflated ego about owning a 'Japanese Exotic'.
It has nothing to do with feeling special or above anyone else, it has to do with enjoying the car, especially considering that the entry fee for a 17 year old car is about 30 thousand, and many people have 2, 3, and even 4 or more into their cars.
This gives them (us) every right to enjoy our cars, and share those experiences with others. It doesn't give us the right to put others at undue risks, especially on public roads. The difficult is defining what 'undue risk' is, particularly because people pride themselves on having a car that has above-average (to say the least) performance and handling characteristics.
I understand that to some, undue risk might be going 61 MPH in a 60 MPH. To others, it's going above that in certain conditions, driving skills etc and that many would disagree, which is perfectly fine.
Nonetheless, the law is the law and that is with Law Enforcement holds people to, regardless of subjective analysis provided by drivers. Still, this does not give you or others the right to bash someone over the head because you feel that the safe speed is 60, 65, 70 and someone doesn’t agree with you. It does give the right for the ounty and state to profit from it though :)
What I am trying to emphasize, as others have done, is that your effectiveness will be much more limited when you (or anyone) calls a person here essentially 'stupid.' You are welcome to share the risks and consequences of certain actions based on your education and experience in a respectful manner. This will, hopefully, have a positive impact on others. Less than that, and you yourself will be flamed and lose respect.
I agree with you in that people in America do not know how to drive properly. My biggest pet peeve is that people traveling from city to city use the left lane and camp out there when they should be in the right lane (left lane used for passing only).

Generally, the law in Germany is that you cannot pass on the right, and blocking faster traffic without letting faster traffic pass is also illegal. Tickets are given for anyone who violates these rules if caught.

That makes people pay attention and drive right.
something I love about prime is that everyone is relatively mature in their logic and debates but does not flame.
just because you have a semi-exotic, doesnt give you the right to break the rules and endager other people. Oh and guess what, when you die on the 405 and your car is in a ball, my ass has to sit in an extra hour of traffic becuase they blocked the whole damn freeway to clean up your brain matter.

if you want to push it, take it to the track and quit giving NSX owners a bad name.

Total Road Deaths in the USA 2001

Total Racing Related Deaths in the USA 2001
This is from NHTSA

For someone who enjoys logical debates maybe you should do your homework. The vast majority of lethal accidents are caused by impaired driving (cell phone, DUI, etc). Please, don't make blanket statements such as it is a great inconvenience for you to sit in traffic after someone has died. These generalized remarks are similar to when parents tell you not to do something simply because they don't like it.
The NSX is somewhat exotic? This car is revered on nearly every forum. I can't believe you join this forum to make negative comments to enthusiastic car owners.
I try to be good in mine, but sometimes the devil :mad: in me makes me drive too fast. I don't like to say how fast, since there seems to be alot of people on these boards that like to flame owners for driving their car above the speed limit.

In So Cal on the I-15, if your aren't driving 80mph (Posted limit is 70)then you had better be in the slow lane...otherwise it becomes unsafe because people will tailgate and then cut you off when they get the chance.:rolleyes:

Too fast is subjective because even at the speed limit, something could happen to cause an unsafe situation...such as an animal suddenly crossing the freeway, or someone elses car blows a tire, etc.

Whatever you do, try to expect the unexpected. Look in front of the guy in front of you...see whats happening further up the road. Don't just use your mirrors, turn your head and be aware of your surroundings...My .02
Total Road Deaths in the USA 2001

Total Racing Related Deaths in the USA 2001
This is from NHTSA

I think there has to be a clear definition of "Racing Related Deaths" for this statistic to be used appropriately in this discussion. Less than a year ago the Prince and Princess of Tonga were killed in a street racing incident near me. I'm sure the driver is going to dispute that she was street racing, but I doubt that the deaths will be attributed to racing. In any event, even 135 street racing deaths are too many and we, as responsible drivers, are obligated to keep the streets safe and do our racing on the track.
I know the sister of the girl who was driving the car and she swears she wasn't racing but I have my doubts. She is a good girl who made a bad choice and its a lesson for all of us. Last I heard she was still locked up with a high bail.
Total Road Deaths in the USA 2001

Total Racing Related Deaths in the USA 2001
This is from NHTSA

logical? sorry but if your gunning around on the freeway going 100, you arent "street racing" but you are guilty of driving over the speed limit, and possibly wrecklessly. now...if you are to get someone else in an accident or get into an accident yourself, which category does that fall under? the street racing, or total road deaths? thats what i thought, its one of the 42,xxx. whats so hard to understand? WHile there are much worse drivers out there, why do you feel the need to contribute to it? People do not realize the domino effect 1 wrong move has on traffic. Is it so hard to ask people to drive near the speed limit?

i'm not badmouthing the NSX, i'm just saying theres a lot of people that think they're hot stuff, just because they drive an NSX. Its just a car. it doesnt give you the right to excessively speed/drive beyond nor test your limits/endager others. While I'm all for going 80 in a 70 as long as its minimal traffic and your in the fast lane, anything more is excessive beyond reason. if you want to go fast that bad, go to the track where you dont endager your self or others nearly as much as on a public freeway. oh well, i just hope im not near you when you screw up bigtime.
I've presented my views and opinions, and I believe most other members are thinking similarly. so I'm done with this thread.
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logical? sorry but if your gunning around on the freeway going 100, you arent "street racing" but you are guilty of driving over the speed limit, and possibly wrecklessly. now...if you are to get someone else in an accident or get into an accident yourself, which category does that fall under? the street racing, or total road deaths? thats what i thought, its one of the 42,xxx. whats so hard to understand? WHile there are much worse drivers out there, why do you feel the need to contribute to it? People do not realize the domino effect 1 wrong move has on traffic. Is it so hard to ask people to drive near the speed limit?

i'm not badmouthing the NSX, i'm just saying theres a lot of people that think they're hot stuff, just because they drive an NSX. Its just a car. it doesnt give you the right to excessively speed/drive beyond nor test your limits/endager others. While I'm all for going 80 in a 70 as long as its minimal traffic and your in the fast lane, anything more is excessive beyond reason. if you want to go fast that bad, go to the track where you dont endager your self or others nearly as much as on a public freeway. oh well, i just hope im not near you when you screw up bigtime.
I've presented my views and opinions, and I believe most other members are thinking similarly. so I'm done with this thread.

Spend some time over at and then get back to us. There are normal folks with cars that have 400-800 RWHP on the road in a mustang chassis. It has nothing to do with the NSX, fast cars are fast cars. And it does not matter what brand or what model, many fast cars are driven fast. I bought the NSX to slow down, I used to drive like a complete maniac in my 03 SVT Cobra. Go bother the p-car guys or the f-car guys or folks with an AMG. I am sure none of them have been over the speed limit even once. I don't think anyone here thinks they have a free pass because they have an NSX.....Steve
Spend some time over at and then get back to us. There are normal folks with cars that have 400-800 RWHP on the road in a mustang chassis. It has nothing to do with the NSX, fast cars are fast cars. And it does not matter what brand or what model, many fast cars are driven fast. I bought the NSX to slow down, I used to drive like a complete maniac in my 03 SVT Cobra. Go bother the p-car guys or the f-car guys or folks with an AMG. I am sure none of them have been over the speed limit even once. I don't think anyone here thinks they have a free pass because they have an NSX.....Steve

I can attest that Steve never exceeds the posted speed limit except under "controlled circumstances". :rolleyes:

The question posted in this thread is: How Fast is Too Fast?

What I believe I am hearing in reply seems to be an ethics discussion of when, where and why it is "OK" to exceed the posted speed limit. I do not have a need to drive very fast on public roads. Have I exceeded the speed limit on occasion? absolutely. Do I do it often? absolutely not. I find myself exceeding the speed limit more in my Ford Explorer on the way to work than in my NSX when I just cruising.

One place I do find myself drawn to push the NSX is in a curve on back roads, that I am familiar with and with no other traffic present. In this road condition the "safe operating speed" for a car such as an NSX is much higher than say for my Ford Explorer. The same road, different reality, it appears very difficult to apply a simplistic rule.

There is inherent risk in all we do but logic and intellect can bring down the percentage of risk to very manageable numbers. Some police officers I know, who are concerned with traffic control, have told me that on any weekend evening after 11 PM in excess of 30 % of the drivers on the road in a metropolitan area are driving with some level impaired judgment due to drugs, alcohol or falling asleep. It seems apparent to me that "too" fast changes with circumstances and the greatest piece of safety equipment in the car sits behind the wheel; the paradox is that same person behind the wheel can become the most dangerous piece of equipment in the car as soon as Ego and or impaired judgment becomes involved.

Just my opinion and another log for the fire of this discussion.:biggrin:

I can attest that Steve never exceeds the posted speed limit except under "controlled circumstances". :rolleyes:

The question posted in this thread is: How Fast is Too Fast?

What I believe I am hearing in reply seems to be an ethics discussion of when, where and why it is "OK" to exceed the posted speed limit. I do not have a need to drive very fast on public roads. Have I exceeded the speed limit on occasion? absolutely. Do I do it often? absolutely not. I find myself exceeding the speed limit more in my Ford Explorer on the way to work than in my NSX when I just cruising.

One place I do find myself drawn to push the NSX is in a curve on back roads, that I am familiar with and with no other traffic present. In this road condition the "safe operating speed" for a car such as an NSX is much higher than say for my Ford Explorer. The same road, different reality, it appears very difficult to apply a simplistic rule.

There is inherent risk in all we do but logic and intellect can bring down the percentage of risk to very manageable numbers. Some police officers I know, who are concerned with traffic control, have told me that on any weekend evening after 11 PM in excess of 30 % of the drivers on the road in a metropolitan area are driving with some level impaired judgment due to drugs, alcohol or falling asleep. It seems apparent to me that "too" fast changes with circumstances and the greatest piece of safety equipment in the car sits behind the wheel; the paradox is that same person behind the wheel can become the most dangerous piece of equipment in the car as soon as Ego and or impaired judgment becomes involved.

Just my opinion and another log for the fire of this discussion.:biggrin:

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you not at work???????
The prupose of this thread is to find out what you would do in a no speed limit country or one that has a high speed limit.
If i was on the autobahn in my gf's bmw318 I would not take it over 80mph because it does not feel safe going that fast. (1989 bmw)
In my NSX i would feel fine cruising at 80 with a short burst to 150.
Please, tell us what you can do - not what you won't do:tongue:
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you not at work???????

I AM AT WORK; just not working at the moment. :wink:
Besides, how could I let your post go unanswered. :rolleyes:
Hope you and Pat doing well and Minnesota is treating you 2 to great weather and good times. :biggrin:
The Chicago Crew all missed you 2 on the run to Starved Rock last weekend; a great time that could have been better if you had been there.
The prupose of this thread is to find out what you would do in a no speed limit country or one that has a high speed limit.
If i was on the autobahn in my gf's bmw318 I would not take it over 80mph because it does not feel safe going that fast. (1989 bmw)
In my NSX i would feel fine cruising at 80 with a short burst to 150.
Please, tell us what you can do - not what you won't do:tongue:

Now that you have clearly defined the playing field; I have had my NSX in excess of 150 MPH on the track and it felt very solid. So it is evident that that 150 is not too fast; given I am in the middle of building another engine to add additional HP. When all is complete I will try to find the point where TOO FAST actually occurs for me. :eek: :biggrin:
In Europe the AutoBahn has fewer accidents then in the US with our BS limit laws.

Going fast is not in it's self dangerous.

Another interesting thing about Europe, is in certain countries, it is much more difficult to get a license, requiring far more skill than in America. It costs more than here in the states.

In my world, if you buy an SUV, you have to take a special course in HOW to drive an SUV. If your SUV is one of those ridiculously large SUVs you have to take an more thorough course. If you drive a sports car, you should also take a course on how to handle that car. But in America, you can get a license by driving a Ford Focus with Automatic Transmission. Then, once you have your license, go out and buy a Lambo and speed in that.

It is interesting how there are less accidents on the Autobahn where speed limits are much more flexible that here in the states.

Have you guys ever seen this Speed Channel videos of car manufacturers testing their vehicles both on the track and streets? (on that program the camera crew with a race car driver was blasting @ 150 mph on the autobahn)

See, people "cruise" @ 90mph in some parts of these highways in germany, the whole "speeding" is "wrong" thing and i'm sorry is a bit Hypocrite, if conditions permit you go fast if you have guts (if YOU WANT as free human), if not, go slow, if you get caught you pay your ticket, is a matter of good sense, yes when i see people speeding on "navigators" "escalades" yes i agree is wrong since those boats aren't designed for optimal braking/handling/speed ... also people that race while people around is in my opinion dangerous, but how fast is too fast?? i know people that @ 60MPH already freak out, some @ 100mph don't care ... if you have an NSX and never exceded 85mph -----> GOOD for you, but don't judge others for having fun @ 90mph ... in this site i only see sports car enthusiast not people that go from point A to B without even knowing what kind of car they drive.

If you LOVE speed yes you enjoy you car your SPORTS car if not you're just a poser, sorry.

(I love to Karting every weekend @ 45mph in this small track, EVERY FRIDAy and is a blast, still i love to drive spirited, but i never raced others on highways)

Amen brother...But are you sure you NEVER raced anyone? That seems hard to believe.

logical? sorry but if your gunning around on the freeway going 100, you arent "street racing" but you are guilty of driving over the speed limit, and possibly wrecklessly. now...if you are to get someone else in an accident or get into an accident yourself, which category does that fall under? the street racing, or total road deaths? thats what i thought, its one of the 42,xxx. whats so hard to understand? WHile there are much worse drivers out there, why do you feel the need to contribute to it? People do not realize the domino effect 1 wrong move has on traffic. Is it so hard to ask people to drive near the speed limit?

i'm not badmouthing the NSX, i'm just saying theres a lot of people that think they're hot stuff, just because they drive an NSX. Its just a car. it doesnt give you the right to excessively speed/drive beyond nor test your limits/endager others. While I'm all for going 80 in a 70 as long as its minimal traffic and your in the fast lane, anything more is excessive beyond reason. if you want to go fast that bad, go to the track where you dont endager your self or others nearly as much as on a public freeway. oh well, i just hope im not near you when you screw up bigtime.
I've presented my views and opinions, and I believe most other members are thinking similarly. so I'm done with this thread.

LMAO, are you kidding me?? So you think that the guys driving supercharged Mustangs, Turbocharged Civics, etc. don't speed/race?? You think they drive around thinking "Man, I wish I could speed, but my car isn't even an exotic so I'm just gonna follow the speed limit". Then when they 'graduate' to an exotic car like an NSX which is only as you say, 'a semi-exotic', they feel they have more justification to speed?? I think it is quite backwards. I see many NSX owners and other exotics cruising on the highway. I cruise as well. Often I have the guys in the aforementioned car group, trying to race me and I ignore them BECAUSE I'm driving an NSX.

So I suppose the guys that own Ferraris, Lambos, Ford GTs, and other supercars, should expect others to pull off the road when they come flying by under this logic.

As far as I'm concerned, most people that buy a sports car, exotic car, or the so-called 'semi-exotic', bought the car because they like performance. Performance means great handling at low AND high speeds, compared to the average car. If you purchased a sports car and NEVER drove at a speed higher than 80mph, you are the minority and quite possibly spouting a bit of duplicity. It makes as much sense to me as buying a Super Luxury car in Manual Transmission and a super Off-Road SUV that never sees a bumpy road.
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The prupose of this thread is to find out what you would do in a no speed limit country or one that has a high speed limit.
If i was on the autobahn in my gf's bmw318 I would not take it over 80mph because it does not feel safe going that fast. (1989 bmw)
In my NSX i would feel fine cruising at 80 with a short burst to 150.
Please, tell us what you can do - not what you won't do:tongue:

Oh, sorry FourringPilot. How fast is too fast? Hmm:

Ludicrous Speed!!
