How far can you throw this spear?

I suck at this!
533.8 and I just wasted 25 minutes when I am supposed to be proof reading a legal brief.
hahahahaha.....I got 532, but I'm still trying!!
534.XXX but cant get over 535... I dont know why, but we need an NSXer on the high score!
534.304...getting closer!!!
good god, I'm done now....I'm going best so far is 534.552
534.531 :eek: :eek: :eek:

This one takes longer to play again and again vs. the penguin.

My wife hates anything unproductive relating to computers/electronics and she's even getting into this...

I think the key to this one is hanging onto the spear until the last possible moment before fouling....

Pass the foul mark by a hair and the spear travels much farther than the 535 high scores....
I think the key to this one is hanging onto the spear until the last possible moment before fouling....

Gotta have the right angle too...

PS: THANKS prova4re... for forcing me to waste so much of my day... ;)