how does one fit in an NSX if big?

15 September 2004
sacramento california
a friend of mine drove my NSX and loved it except that he has size 15 feet, is well over 6 feet tall and his right leg was getting numb after 15 minutes crammed against the center console. he likes the NSX and wants one, is this hopeless? anyone have an ideas here??
thank you.:rolleyes:
dali seat cushion,seat all the way back ,tilt up the steering wheel within reason.In my experience owners who are large deal with the lack of room because they want the car.Anyone not smitten who is cramped would probably be turned off.
dali seat cushion,seat all the way back ,tilt up the steering wheel within reason.In my experience owners who are large deal with the lack of room because they want the car.Anyone not smitten who is cramped would probably be turned off.

does the steering wheel tilt? mine is a 1992. it telescopes i do not remember tilting it. although i had a landcruiser once that had an adjustable lumbar support and did not relaize it until the fellow who bought it showed me the knob on the right side of the driver's seat ;-(
does the steering wheel tilt? mine is a 1992. it telescopes i do not remember tilting it. although i had a landcruiser once that had an adjustable lumbar support and did not relaize it until the fellow who bought it showed me the knob on the right side of the driver's seat ;-( splif is strong..I meant fiddle with the telescopic wheel,the only thing tilting is my .........:redface:
right under the steering column is a hidden lever that lets you slightly tilt the steering column up and down.
not to be mistaken for the one on the right side of the column - that one is for telescoping

if you friend needs more leg room,
he should get a GTC flip up steering hub.
he can drive it like a school bus.


just joking :wink:
how do you get it to tilt? same as the telescopic adjustment? just push the back tab all the way down? i have a 1992 NSX

It was on my '91 and it's on my '03, so I bet you can figure it out if you mess around a bit! Check under the column...don't let the wheel hit you in the face when you "release it".
Have your friend read this thread I made about seat fitment:

(btw I'm over 6'2" tall, 180 lbs and have no issues once I installed the new Bride seats, prior to install my hair would brush the upper rear plastic roof section)

I wear a size 14, Im 6'2'' and 240 and fit in the NSX better then I do in my wifes Yukon Denali!!!! :eek:

I love it!!! I thought I was going to have an issue but I didnt (with the stock wheel). But like Erick posted you can get a smaller steering wheel and the seat mod and be fine. I know there are some owners on here way taller then I am and they fit good! Have ur friend get his blood checked if he's going numb after such a short time in the car...:biggrin: