How Do you know when your CLUTCH needs to be replaced?

17 March 2004
New Jersey

How do you know when your clutch needs to be changed in an NSX? Can you tell by how much play you have in your clutch pedal? How do I know what is good or not on a used NSX? Please advise.
Hi, AcuraNSX. Or, I should say, Yo, AcuraNSX! (since I am originally from your home state and can still "talk the talk").

Allow me to introduce you to the NSX FAQ (answers to Frequently Asked Questions). You see the red bar at the top of your screen, the one that looks like this?


Click on FAQ and you will find all kinds of useful information, including the answers to your questions.

For example, in the Troubleshooting area, look at the Clutch section.

And in the Buy, Sell, Ship, Store area, look at the Used NSX Checklist.

Joel said:
Ken is taking Forums Nazi's job.
Not exactly, because I would have opened, "Guten tag, AcuraNSX." :D

Joel said:
At this rate, Nazi will be obsolete. ;)
That would be fine with me. It's great to see such nice folks as nsxtasy and Mr. Wolf spreading my lessons to others.