Question 1: Are the stock front specs of 3.5 mm per side or TOTAL toe?
Either way, then the opp side of the angle would be 3.5 mm (per spec)...the adjacent side of the angle would be the diameter of the stock (at the time, 91?) tire/wheel in mm...which would be 15 inches x 25.4 mm + 205 mm = 586 mm...sooo...the angle would be the inverse TAN of 3.5/586...which is .34 degrees.
Question 2: Where am I going wrong?
Either way, then the opp side of the angle would be 3.5 mm (per spec)...the adjacent side of the angle would be the diameter of the stock (at the time, 91?) tire/wheel in mm...which would be 15 inches x 25.4 mm + 205 mm = 586 mm...sooo...the angle would be the inverse TAN of 3.5/586...which is .34 degrees.
Question 2: Where am I going wrong?
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