How do I put this bolt in?!??!

9 May 2000
OK strange question...

I think Ive just found the source of my 3 year long squeaking problem and Ive gotten the bolt that just might fix it. But how do I install it?

Its the lower of the two bolts that holds the fuel filter bracket to the firewall. There is a picture in the 91 service manual on page 11-97, or page 11-114 in the 93/94 service manual. It looks easy in the picture, but there actually a fan, an aluminum brace, and a wiring harness that blocks access to the area.

Any hints or suggestions?
Hi Joe,

The fuel filter replacement in the early cars w/fan is a true PITA. When I do a 60K service I remove the fan. I know that may seem crazy, but it takes me less time and less frustration if I just take the darn thing out.

Also remember the threaded piece the bolt goes into is aluminum, so be careful not to crossthread it. This is reason #2 why I take the fan out.

I am always up for a new trick if someone has one to offer:).

Thanks Larry,

I have a feeling the tech that changed my filter 3 years ago had the same problem and only put back the top bolt as a result.

Would loosening the fuel filter from the bracket buy me enough clearance or would it be equally painful trying to reach the screw on the left side that clamps the filter in place? Otherwise, I will just remove the fan as suggested.
After many times of trying it, I just take it out:). The clamp you refer to has a tang on it and I recall it really being equally as difficult.

When you remove the fan take note of each mounting bolt and their respective position. They are different lengths, especially the one for the throttle cable bracket. That one is longer with a flat area below the bolt head. Also there is a bolt at the bottom of the fan in between the metal lines on the inner fender. Just look it over carefuly and it will be fine.

Oh, the fan is also a pain to get out, just wiggle carefully:)

This bolt is why I have not done a DIY fuel filter write-up. What a PITA!

I used a nylon tie on mine for a year or so unitl I finally took out the fan.

OK. Thanks for the tips guys.

I'll take another look at it this weekend and I will probably just bite the bullet and unbolt the fan. Hopefully that makes the squeak go away once and for all.

(lousy dealer service tech... cant even put all the pieces back after changing the filter... :mad: )
I ended up unbolting the wire harness which passes between the alternator and fan rather than undoing the fan. It gave just enough wiggle room to begin threading the bolt into the hole. You can then tighten it down with a short socket wrench, coming in under the fuel filter from the dipstick side.

It was still a pain in the butt.
Guys, I have to mess with that mean little bastard very (TO) often to change out filter for n20 install or installing a fpss or pressure gauge on the access port on top of the filter, ANYWAY it is a bitch but not that bad. take your time. hint to the above whom solved the noise with a replacement bolt.....
If anyone without access to a good shop home or pro needs to replace a missing bolt go to acura and buy some fresh crush washers hell buy two sets but have some and remove the banjo bolts (fuel line) then bolt her up with banjos released and then put the fuel banjo's back on (even this way is a bit of a struggle but not anywhere near what its like with them not removed. TIP: open gas filler door when releasing pressure at the will drip a small amount of fuel anyway so put a shop rag under the work area.remember to replace the crush washers for the banjo's,if you have not messed around alot with this filter dont get cheap and reuse the exisiting crush washers,replace em.