How do i post a pic???

22 February 2005
Irving, Texas
I have posted several pics on here previously through the 'upload your pics here.' But now when i go there to upload more pics, i cannot see an option for how to do this. Has something changed over the last couple weeks that i am not aware of??? Please help.
Hey Derek,

Sounds like you're referring to the NSX Prime Gallery link:

<img src="" style="margin:12px;border:6px solid #ccc" />

When you go to the NSX Prime Gallery, what links do you see near the top-right:

  1. Home, Search, Profile, Upload Photos, Logout<br />or
  2. Home, Search, Register, Login?

If #2 (no Upload Photos link), go back to the forums and click Log Out. Then log back into the forums with your user name and password, but check the remember me checkbox.

<img src="" style="margin:12px;border:6px solid #ccc" />

Now you should be able to go back to the gallery and click the Upload Photos link.

Hope this helps.
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