How Cool Is This?

14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
Isn't that cute. Are you going to play with your Hot Wheels car in the bathtub? Or better yet, you can swallow it and watch it come out through your stoma! :biggrin:
Vancehu said:
How Cool Is This? Not really... Time wasted...

Before you post something like this, please do a search!!!:biggrin:

I did and didn't find anything. Sorry it wasted your time but to help make up for it, I put in an official nomination for you as FNIT.
Hugh said:
I did and didn't find anything. Sorry it wasted your time but to help make up for it, I put in an official nomination for you as FNIT.

FNIT??? Ouch!!! Sorry, I have no interest in running for NSXPO official, and I'm not interested in participate in the NSXPO because of your attitude. Learn how to be nice, take a joke, did you even see the Brink face?

Search harder next time!!!
Bob Kenney said:
I missed the original thread Hugh; thanks for reposting.
I think it is cool and should be considered as a give away at NSXPO.:cool:

That's a great idea. I'm gonna see if I can find a bulk supply.

As for reposting, I did do a search first. You might have noticed that I'm all over this board like a rat in a sewer. I don't miss much and if I didn't see something, chances are very few others have too so to hell with forum nazis and their sycophants. :)
Recursive Reposts / Stack Overflow

Vancehu said:
Learn how to be nice, take a joke, did you even see the Brink face?

Search harder next time!!!
I think he took it in a nice way - in fact, Hugh gave you a compliment!

As far as searching harder, maybe you should do the same next time. After all, while this whole thread may be a repost, <a href="">your reply</a> was a repost (of the <a href="">first reply</a>). Talk about "time wasted"! :tongue: :D
Vancehu said:
FNIT??? Ouch!!! Sorry, I have no interest in running for NSXPO official, and I'm not interested in participate in the NSXPO because of your attitude. Learn how to be nice, take a joke, did you even see the Brink face?

Search harder next time!!!

No, Hugh can NOT be nice - it's not IN him !!! :biggrin:

So it's probably best to treat him like the news - Use what you can and ignore the rest. :wink:

And, FWIW, I'm sick to death of people (on all sorts of boards, not just here) telling others, usually "newbies", to "do a search". Do you realize how difficult it is to search sometimes and find exactly what you're looking for ?

It is often far easier to simply ask. So what if it's been discussed before. Discuss it again (or point the person in the right direction). What's the big deal ? :frown:

I liken this to discussing, say, the Cubs (your favorite team) game yesterday with a friend. Then your friend walks away to talk to someone else, and another friend of yours comes by and says to you "How about those Cubs ?"

Do YOU tell your 2nd friend to go talk to your first friend (i.e. search) to find out how you feel about the Cubs ? :rolleyes: No, of course not. You'll discuss it with your 2nd friend AGAIN. And again with a 3rd friend. It's a subject you ENJOY discussing (like the NSX ??? :confused: :tongue: )

There's a definite lack of conversation around here and you "older" (read longer) members actually stifle a lot of it yourselves because despite what you may think, "newbies" usually lurk and read before "jumping in". And when they see the "curmudgeons" telling newbies to "search", instead of simply answering and/or pointing them to a previous thread, guess what.

They'll just keep quiet and read instead of contributing. And that's not much good to anyone now, is it ? :smile:
NSX-GUY said:
No, Hugh can NOT be nice - it's not IN him !!! :biggrin:

So it's probably best to treat him like the news - Use what you can and ignore the rest. :wink:

And, FWIW, I'm sick to death of people (on all sorts of boards, not just here) telling others, usually "newbies", to "do a search". Do you realize how difficult it is to search sometimes and find exactly what you're looking for ?

It is often far easier to simply ask. So what if it's been discussed before. Discuss it again (or point the person in the right direction). What's the big deal ? :frown:

I liken this to discussing, say, the Cubs (your favorite team) game yesterday with a friend. Then your friend walks away to talk to someone else, and another friend of yours comes by and says to you "How about those Cubs ?"

Do YOU tell your 2nd friend to go talk to your first friend (i.e. search) to find out how you feel about the Cubs ? :rolleyes: No, of course not. You'll discuss it with your 2nd friend AGAIN. And again with a 3rd friend. It's a subject you ENJOY discussing (like the NSX ??? :confused: :tongue: )

There's a definite lack of conversation around here and you "older" (read longer) members actually stifle a lot of it yourselves because despite what you may think, "newbies" usually lurk and read before "jumping in". And when they see the "curmudgeons" telling newbies to "search", instead of simply answering and/or pointing them to a previous thread, guess what.

They'll just keep quiet and read instead of contributing. And that's not much good to anyone now, is it ? :smile:

Damn former NSX owners! Shouldn't they be banned?:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :wink:
Shumdit said:
Damn former NSX owners! Shouldn't they be banned?:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :wink:

AbsoLUTEly !!! :eek: (Sons-a-bitches) :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
NSX-GUY said:
And, FWIW, I'm sick to death of people (on all sorts of boards, not just here) telling others, usually "newbies", to "do a search". Do you realize how difficult it is to search sometimes and find exactly what you're looking for ?

It is often far easier to simply ask. So what if it's been discussed before. Discuss it again (or point the person in the right direction). What's the big deal ? :frown:

There's a definite lack of conversation around here and you "older" (read longer) members actually stifle a lot of it yourselves because despite what you may think, "newbies" usually lurk and read before "jumping in". And when they see the "curmudgeons" telling newbies to "search", instead of simply answering and/or pointing them to a previous thread, guess what.

They'll just keep quiet and read instead of contributing. And that's not much good to anyone now, is it ? :smile:

I couldn't have said it better myself. I think the Forum Nazi's are people that like to hear themselves talk.
Vancehu said:
FNIT??? Ouch!!! Sorry, I have no interest in running for NSXPO official, and I'm not interested in participate in the NSXPO because of your attitude. Learn how to be nice, take a joke, did you even see the Brink face?

Search harder next time!!!

For God's sake swallow a couple of Xanax. I was just joking around. Sorry if I left out the damn smiley face. Here's one to make up for it.
Vancehu said:
FNIT??? Ouch!!! Sorry, I have no interest in running for NSXPO official, and I'm not interested in participate in the NSXPO because of your attitude. Learn how to be nice, take a joke,

Hey Hugh.. I'd like to help out with anything I can for NSXPO. Because I like your attitude, I think you're a nice guy and always help me with any questions I have, and you above all people in here can joke. Just FYI. :wink:

P.S. I thought that little Hot Wheels car was really cool. And I hadn't seen it before, regardless of how many times it's been posted. Guess I wasn't smart enough to do a search for Matchbox cars. My bad.
I have one of those hot wheels I got a few months ago, but my 6 year old keeps claiming it. It appears in his room about every other week for some reason. Oddly, he does not open it, just takes it to his room.:rolleyes:
Shumdit said:
I have one of those hot wheels I got a few months ago, but my 6 year old keeps claiming it. It appears in his room about every other week for some reason. Oddly, he does not open it, just takes it to his room.:rolleyes:

That's because you're raising that boy right.... and he's just respecting dad's Acura. :smile:
PhiAlpha44 said:
Hey Hugh.. I'd like to help out with anything I can for NSXPO.

Would you be interested in working as a male escort during the event? I'll set you up in a nice suite and provide you with a sexy wardrobe.