How about parking in civic center area

27 September 2007

I'll have a chance to visit San Francisco in June and I'll be staying in civic center area. I have heard that parking is very expensive and difficult to find in San Francisco, so my question is how much is it to park over night and where to park a car over night besides parking in hotel?

any recommendation on restaurant is appreciated.

Thank you
Civic center is not the best area to park your car (especially overnight):eek: . If you are driving your own car, stick with the hotel parking. Some hotels offer free or reduced parking for their guest in their garage. I have parked in hotel garages before, and some have roaming security in the garage. The public lots have too many transients walking through. I have not parked overnight is a garage is S.F. The last time I parked in that area during the day, it cost $1.20 for every 20 minutes. I do not recommend parking in lots under a freeway. Cars tend to get broken into or vandalize. I lived in S.F. for about 15 years and moved to the San Jose area in 1984. It was bad back then, and it is not much better now. Lots of night life near the Civic center area. Good luck on your hotel parking search and enjoy your stay.:smile:
thank you for your reply.
my friend told me he parked overnight at hilton hotel, I think, and it cost him $60/night.
Anyway, I'll stick with hotel parking. Thanks again :smile:
Watch out for the aggressive panhandlers on Market Street. Go thing is that, MUNI (public transportation) can get you pretty much anywhere in the S.F. When are you visiting? If before October, bring warm clothing for the late afternoon and evening. You know what Mark Twain said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.":biggrin: Saw lots of tourist freezing in their shorts during the Summer.
La Folie is probably one of the better SF restaurants and is on Polk not too far from the Civic Center area. Near the Symphony & Ballet, Absinthe & Jardiniere aren't bad. Also, you can't go wrong with the dining room at the Ritz or Campton's Place. In the South Bay, Manresa (Los Gatos) and Chez TJ (Mountain View) are both two Michelin star destinations. And if you want the ultimate, The French Laundry in Yountville is possibly the best restaurant in the country. You need to use the concierge on your credit card to score a table or else plan VERY far in advance.