Houston Tuesday Meet Dec 6th

28 June 2004
Houston TX
Hey Houston,

How about our own Starbuck's meet? I'm trying to think of somewhere central to all of us. How does the corner of Buffalo Speedway & Westpark (5115 Buffalo Speedway) sound? 7:30PM?

Come on..let's get out and enjoy this cool night air! :biggrin:

Maybe Ricky will bring out his updated toy! :eek:

Sounds cool.
Making it on a tuesday seems weird when most of our meets are on the weekend, but Id like to go. AND with it not being on a weekend, Ill have no scheduling conflicts to worry about !
Very good idea, Sam! Unfortunately I'm not sure if I can make it .. I may go out of town next week .. but still not 100% confirmed. If I'm in town, I surely will try to make it!!

Cheers .. Gus
The wife and I are going out of town..Vegas style, baby. I believe Stormrider will be out of town and Fastrunner is out traveling the World searching for Treasure for another 2 weeks..

:frown: The week of the 17th would be better for me. Either way have fun. We will meet up sometime.
Grack !
Whats with everyone leaving town next week. I would have imagined people leaving town the last two weeks of Dec, but not the first week of Dec.

Well, if its just me and SamBel, we will just play chess against each other at Starbucks ! Just joking, im sure we will get more than SamBel and me !
Well, if its just me and SamBel, we will just play chess against each other at Starbucks ! Just joking, im sure we will get more than SamBel and me !

In that case, I'm gonna vote for Sam winning the SouthCentral US Region-->NSX unoffical meet at Starbucks Meet Chess Tournament! :biggrin:

Some people are leaving and some people have been Gone..Fastrunner..International Man of Mystery :tongue:
At this point, I think I can go...that Starbuck is just 1 block from my office anyway. :biggrin: IF I can leave 7:30 pm.... :rolleyes:

Count me in....
Hi, remember me? Well regardless, I can't make it either....got classes Tuesday night. The semester's almost over...it's crunch time.

- Z
That's why we don't remember you..who are you? :biggrin: Your like the kid who went to the bathroom at the beginning of school and never came back til finals :tongue: How is school going? How much more do you have left?
1TITENSX said:
Did anyone take any pics?

Not that I know of.
We had several Nsx owners show up - Norm, Gus, Daniel, and Sam. I only know NsxDaniel's screen name, and SamBel's screen name here on Nsxprime.

They owned 94, 92, 98, 01 Nsx's. All but one were red, and Gus was the owner of the silver one ! :smile:
1TITENSX said:
Did anyone take any pics?
No pictures this time.

As was stated, we had five total that could make the inpromptu gathering.

When I spoke to the folks at the Starbucks, they claimed there wasn't much traffic during the week. Well, I guess they didn't know it was finals time, and all those college and med school folks needed their coffee to help study. :eek:

We might try again, probably a different location next time.