Houston Kart Zone – July 29

12 November 2001
Ok guys its time to meet for Karting again at Houston’s Kart Zone. For more details about the place go to http://www.kartzone.net

SilverOne will be in town and would like to go karting, so lets meet up at Kart Zone!

Date: Thursday, July 29, 2004
Time: 7:00 p.m. (or if you run on my time that would be 7:15)
Place: Houston Kart Zone (see link above for the address)

Thursday they have a 2 for 1 special on the “Arrive and Race” (A&R). The A&R is three qualifying laps followed by an 8 minute race. The cost for the A&R is $30 (but since it is 2 for 1) you will get two A&R secessions for $30. It is well worth the money! This place is a blast! Anyone is welcome, this is open to all. See you guys there!

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Hey guys,

It seems I overlooked a small little detail before I made this post. My wife and I go to the doctor that afternoon to find out if we will be having a boy or a girl! Needless to say, I will be at the doctor’s office with my wife and will not be able to go karting. If you guys go have fun!

looks like it will have to be another day since I won't e able to make it.. ;) j/k.

Actually, my schedule changed this week, so I will not be in Houston. Maybe next week, I am keeping my fingers crossed.