Houston/Austin/San Antonio

17 March 2006
Houston, TX
Is there anyone that knows how to properly seat/adjust the NSX windows?

I had my regulator replaced and before leaving the parking lot at the dealer drove back and the tech coudn't deny that it was still popping and almost stopping on the way up. He speculated that my window tracks are worn out, which is BS - window tracks just don't wear out after 27/28K miles.

I have a strong feeling either the regulator isn't in right (heard someone else on Prime had this problem), or more likely, the window is just improperly adjusted.

I should be heading to the Austin/San Antonio area in the next month, and currently live in Houston.


I think I read something yesterday about this same topic. Turns out the window regulator was installed incorrectly. Maybe you the same happened to you.
Gillman Acura I45 North.

Tech was nice, and the service manager was nice as well, but what it comes down to is I am 99% sure the job was not done correctly - errr, or he just didn't know how to align it after installation.