House of Thunder (Harley Davidson)

14 October 2001
San Jose, CA
Last Saturday, I helped a friend associated with a cable public access channel, video and interview riders at the grand opening of Harley Davidson's new dealership called the House of Thunder in Morgan Hill, CA. I said it would be something different to do so I went. Was there from 9am-3pm and had a good time. LOTS of bikes, music and people.

I wasn't into bikes until about a year ago when I took interest in possibly owning a bike of my own someday. I watch American Chopper all the time but mainly to see how they build and fabricate parts for the choppers they build along with the problems they encounter and have to solve. That definitely sparked my interest in motorcycles even further.

Here are the pictures from the open house.

P.S. I'm sure you'll see which Harley is my favorite. :)