Hot Starting Question

6 June 2004
Los Angeles
My car starts on the first 2 cranks when cold, but when it is hot (after driven awhile and sit for about 15min to an hour), it will take about 4 cranks for it to start, and sometimes it will take 2 tries.

Is that normal?
I don't know how much cranks my engine uses but when hot it needs a little bit more time but only fractions of a second. I don't see an abnormality here.
I always wait for the fuel pump to prime before turning the key to ignition, starts perfectly.

I was having the hot start problem before and this now removes it.
I don't think that is normal unless you have an AEM setup on it. Mine use to start with the turn of the key with no issues but with the AEM you have to wait for the fuel pump to prime. It wouldn't be so bad except it is over a 100 degrees down here in Houston.:tongue:
Check the starter motor. Mine did that and I got the mechanic to service the starter and Kelly starts just with one try. Also check the main relay.
nis350 said:
My car starts on the first 2 cranks when cold, but when it is hot (after driven awhile and sit for about 15min to an hour), it will take about 4 cranks for it to start, and sometimes it will take 2 tries.

Is that normal?