Hot Pepper SUV in Auto-X ??

9 June 2001
Casa di Rissoto
For all the recent SUV-bashing, I thought this was interesting...


Porsche Cayenne In an Autocross??

Yes, it's true folks. At a recent Sacramento (Calif.) Region Autocross called CRAB30, Porsche Cars NA sent a new Cayenne with 150 miles on street tires to participate.

Bottom line, the Cayenne stunned everyone there with impressive times beating a host of experienced drivers in traditional Porsches. It would appear that Porsche AG has succeeded in mastering the suspension engineering of an SUV that handles like more like a sports car.

As Porsche NA's Jack Bain put it "As you can see the Cayenne basically beat everything else on street tires older than 1989 (with the exception of one 1974 Carrera driven by Art Seeger, who has a half dozen SCCA Road Racing Championships on the West Coast). It's pretty impressive to see 5000 pounds beat cars almost half it's weight and size in an Autocross. Can't wait to see how it does in track events!"

Editor's Note: Jack refers to the timing score sheet.


what's next ?? kill stories ?? :eek: