Hot Lap Timers

9 March 2000
Novato, CA, USA
How do you guys install yours? I crawled all over my car looking for a good place to put it (both the receiver and the main display unit.) I'm hoping I don't need to end up duct taping the receiver to the roof. I don't have a roll bar/cage but I do have a Dali harness bar, but it's behind the b-pillar, so it doesn't have a line of sight. Anyone have pictures of theirs?


Tim Meekins
1997 Yellow NSX-T
Mount the display unit with velcro to the glovebox, or use a piece of aluminum sheet and velcro that to the inside of the glovebox, bending the sheet to that the unit sits right above the closed glovebox lid.

When you are not using your hotlap, you can keep it in the glovebox

The wire runs through the bulkhead passage that is forward and up behind the glovebox (use an Xacto knife to cut a small slit), and into the back of the glovebox via a small hole you can drill there (thin plastic).

The receiver unit mounts on a little "L" bracket to one of the front licence plate mounting bolts, sticking out in front of the front bumper slightly so it can point either to the left or right, depending on which way you screw it it when you get to the track.

The cord that comes with the Hotlap system is the perfect excat length for this installation.

All My NSX'es Live in Texas
Thanks for the idea! I set this up with a 57 cent 3" bracket from Yardbirds..


Tim Meekins
1997 Yellow NSX-T

[This message has been edited by tmeekins (edited 25 November 2002).]

[This message has been edited by tmeekins (edited 25 November 2002).]

[This message has been edited by tmeekins (edited 25 November 2002).]

I know there are more seconds to shave, especially when I get over my fear of turn 8

Tim Meekins
1997 Yellow NSX-T