Hot Import Nights (San Mateo)

17 September 2000
San Diego, CA
We had a booth section at Hot Import Nights this past Saturday, more with Circuit City than actually showcasing something for HIN specifically.

Gerry's NSX was there with it's new paint job, nobody attending to it unfortunately though, and not lit very well either, so the new paint looked a bit 'dull'. I snapped a few photos, in addition to our own presence, just for kicks. There was also a CLK-GTR there as well which was sweet, but also tough to get a good photo with the camera I had with me.

First ours...



Ah, too bad, I rolled a bit early (around 9:45) I probably just missed you...

Gerry's car was in the same hall as we were, down by the performance stage. If I would have thought enough in advance I would have put the word out that we would be there in case anyone wanted to stop by, but the event came up faster than I was expecting :D

The next one we are doing will be in July in Southern California (I think)
BoostedMR2 said:
Mine was there too -- Andrie, Pete and the WORKS guys met you in line, but you never stopped by :(

- DavidV :D

How much did you have to pay the girls to stand infront of your Mr2? :D j/k
I was there too--I saw Gerry's car, and upon closer inspection I don't think I like the color (to each his own I guess). Did you guys see the candy blue NSX? Whose was that? Also, around 7:45 I saw a bunch of NSX's on 880 when I was going to HIN.

Next time we should do a heads up, we all coulda met.
