Horn Buttons

4 June 2003
Has anyones horn buttons ever popped out and broke, if so is it easy to install new horn buttons and how.
Both of mine jumped out at me within the first year of MY ownership about 6 months apart. Wife laughed I called the car some very bad names, both times. You have to buy the whole assembly , but really just need the button, as on both of mine one of the tabs had broken, allowing it to pop out. Everyone told me to pull the eniter part out of the steering wheel, disconnect the wire, and pop the entire part back in. I could not get the housing out. I was worried about scarring the wheel, so I popped the new button out of the new housing, and then popped the new button into the wheel. 5 minutes work tops, you just have to be careful getting the new button out of the new housing. I used a very small flat bladed screwdriver and slowly pried on the tabs until it moved. I paid probably full retail of $40 apiece for the assembly, before I joined NSXCA and started calling Niello Acura for all my parts (30% off)

Good luck!