Horn buttons


Contributing Member
14 October 2003
Tokyo, Japan
Driving home a couple of months ago the right side horn button flew off from stock wheel and hit me! Got a new one from Honda (20 bucks) fitted it and thought no more. Last night the left side went pop...

The tag that holds them in broke off at the bottom.

Has anyone else had this?

Is my car trying to kill me?
I never use my horn. Here in NY we use the FINGER.:biggrin:

docjohn, nice searching skills.
I never use my horn. Here in NY we use the FINGER.:biggrin:

docjohn, nice searching skills.

Glad to see your humor is still intact Joe...lol. You are funny today! Both your post have me chuckling like they usually do. Funny dude!

Ok - so I've had this experience too - the horn thingy flying off - yes on my 91 - so I got the right hand button - haven't had the issue with the left hand button yet but I suppose it may be coming. So where did you get the button for 20 bucks new????? It cost me around 30 something.

Would love to know the "source" so when my car decides to "attack" I'll be able to get the cheap fix fast! :biggrin: