I'm around aftermarket hoods and hood pins going 130+ on a daily basis. I've also been around most makes of hoods and hood pins.
It is rare to have these failures that you mention, otherwise you would hear it on forums as a bigger problem, but like everything else, failures do happen.
My whole point is for a dd car going dd speeds, its not necessary and failrures are rare. I also mentioned the downsides that hoodpins create, but of course they are another measure for safety, so why not put 4 of them on?
I've seen people crash for the dumbest of reasons, a hood flying up on you will not automatically make you crash.
If you buy a cheap hood, it might be a good idea to install the pins, if you track your car often or drive like an idiot on the street, yes hood pins are another measure to prevent the hood from coming up. But if you just drive on the street and occasionally go fast, its not necessary.
Are hood pins another measure to keep your hood from coming up? -yes. But read what happens to them over time and decide on what option is best for you rather than hear 1 side of a story and try to get scared into doing something that might not be necessary.
I'm around these things a lot and if you were too it would have been nice to hear the advantages, disadvantages, and what to expect long term from using hood pins.