pbassjo sounds like he really knows what to do, so I would follow his advice. I would first try the latch adjusment, though, since the hood is flush on the right side. The hood latch is not only used to keep the hood pulled straight down, but pivots the front of the hood on the rubber bumper that is in closest contact with the hood. Moving the latch down slightly will tend to twist the hood slightly, and pull down the looser bumper . No, the hood will not be damaged if the adjustment needed is as small as you indicate.
You could shut the hood after placing a small ball of soft (not very sticky, with a small piece of plastic wrap over it) putty on the hood contact point of the left bumper, and then open it to view the thickness left to get an idea of where the bumper protrusion is now adjusted. You should recess the bumper a bit to make sure it does not interfere with the final settting. When you are able to move the left side of the hood below the flush point, then reverse a little of the latch and bumper adjustments until it moves back to flush. With the small amount of misalignment you are removing, these adjusments should be done in very small increments to avoid affecting the other side, and this advice assumes there is no body damage. Good luck.