Honda Turning NSX article...

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
I just read the Honda Tuning Article on Wei-shens car... Who the hell proof-read that thing? Frist off, they said the 94 car stock has 280 HP and 217 TQ?? Hello.. this is a HONDA magazine.. you would think they could at least get that right. Then they said the Comptech SC with 9lbs of boost makes 35 HP!! ??? A very poorly edited article... I expect better from a Honda magazine. I also would have thought they would have let Wei-Shen look it over before printing... I am sure he would have caught the errors..
Okay, here's a clue-in to the whole fan/enthusiast magazine industry: It's run by college-dropout fanboys who generally know less than you do.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I work in videogames, and I'm constantly amazed at who shows up to do interviews. They're usually barely out of diapers, know next to nothing, and make up the rest because they didn't understand anything you told them. If it weren't for needing free publicity, no self-respecting developer would talk to these people. Only one or two rags ever had a decent staff, and they're long gone.

I'm sure the Honda fanboy reporters are no different from the videogame fanboy reporters.
As an employee of a magazine publishing company, letting the interviewee edit the article would be the last thing our editors would ever do. And after reading a few of these magazines, cough Super Street cough, I can't believe how much advertising they get. Perhaps it's just b/c they feature some very cool Japanese track cars...a lot of nice OT cars by the way. But any editorial included in the article is usually poorly written and shallow.

I do like SCC. Though it is becoming more and more like Super Street. I don't know why though, besides SS's ability to get a lot of advertising, because two different kind of people read those two pubs and since they're owned by the same publishing company you'd think that they'd differeniate them a bit more.

To get back on topic: yeah, HondaTuning should know better. You should send them an email Dave!