Honda: The Power of Safety.

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
So much for dreams....

Honda aiming to position itself as safety leader with latest sales pitch
JEAN HALLIDAY | Advertising Age
Posted Date: 9/13/04
American Honda Motor Co. is trying to position itself as a safety leader. The automaker is aiming at drivers who want crash protection without having to pay the price of a luxury vehicle.

"Safety is a part of what people are looking for in long-term value and confidence," says Rob Alen, manager of corporate advertising of American Honda. "From the company's point of view, there's an element of responsibility to try to do the right thing."

New advertising is in the works, with a TV and magazine push scheduled for late fall. The first print ad lists equipment that will be standard on all but three Honda and Acura Division vehicles by the end of 2006.

Most models already have many of the features, such as standard side-curtain airbags, or will have them by the end of the year, Honda says.

"Safety should not be relegated to a price point," says Tom Peyton, Honda's senior brand manager of national advertising. "We see safety high on consumers' consideration list."

Automotive consultant Charlie Hughes says he is skeptical about Honda's strategy. He warns that broadening a marketing position can confuse consumers, dilute a brand's status and divert advertising money.

"It sounds like the Volvo-ization of Honda," says Hughes, of Brand Rules LLC, an automotive consulting firm in Newport Beach, Calif. "No one buys a product they think is unsafe."

Thomas Andersson, executive vice president of marketing at Volvo Cars of North America Inc., says he applauds other carmakers that focus on safety. Every time someone else stresses safety, Volvo's brand recognition goes up as a side effect, he says.
The idea that advanced safety equipment should not be limited to expensive cars is a reasonable one. Why does that put a crimp on you or Honda's dream?

Put another way, if the next NSX has 850 hp will you care how many airbags it has :--)

Soichiro said:
Put another way, if the next NSX has 850 hp will you care how many airbags it has :--)


Well, with 850HP, I would like all the airbags I can get :)

In all seriousness though, when you think of Honda, do you think unsafe??
When I think of Honda, I think of "excellence". And that means in all areas, not just "safety".
So I'm not sure why Honda is narrowing their target market to only the safety-conscious. While safety is VERY high on my list of priorities, I'd hate to see Honda taking a volvo-approach to safety. :( The safest car is one driven by a safe driver.

I'd personally like to see Honda take an all-rounded approach in their marketing. For example, their classic cogs commercial was targeted Honda's reliability. Why can't they remain balanced on other important areas?

oh... all seriousness aside, Honda definitely <B>needs</B> a 500HP+ NSX for promotion (and for <B>NetViper</B> ). :D
NetViper said:
Well, with 850HP, I would like all the airbags I can get :)

In all seriousness though, when you think of Honda, do you think unsafe??
If you're in a small exotic going that fast in a crash, guess what. you ARE the airbag :)