Honda NSX 360 degree view at the Tokyo Motor show via NSX Club Europe

Is that rear end longer or just a figment of my imagination? They recently announced the layout of the motor & I wonder if is this the model to demonstrate changes made?
I'm not exactly sure but I see what you mean. That car looks bad ass in white.

Is that rear end longer or just a figment of my imagination? They recently announced the layout of the motor & I wonder if is this the model to demonstrate changes made?
in white, the cars styling looks super clean. i do think the front needs some minor re-working.... with more aggressive wheels that car is quite a beauty.

on a side note in about a month we'll see see official new nsx developments....!

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i thought it was hilarious.

Why...why...did they use that tight jean wearing male to help announce the NSX???

How odd.

it's not just that. the boots. the heck is that?!?!?!?
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On this NSX-v2 example in the vid-clip, the side sill / skirt / rocker-panel area seems to have lost it's flared & muscular form, compared to the NSX-Concept unveiled a year or two ago...(?)
On this NSX-v2 example in the vid-clip, the side sill / skirt / rocker-panel area seems to have lost it's flared & muscular form, compared to the NSX-Concept unveiled a year or two ago...(?)

I think it may be the light shades and angle playing tricks on you. The present car is still unchanged except for the grill and mesh, which are finer details.
My brother brought up a good point Honda, "What the hell has happened to that company? Any CEO worth his salt will tell you "If you want to sell a sports car, you better hire a top-shelf bikini model "to work-it and jerk-it" at the auto shows."
More like Madam Butterfly....:eek:
My brother brought up a good point Honda, "What the hell has happened to that company? Any CEO worth his salt will tell you "If you want to sell a sports car, you better hire a top-shelf bikini model "to work-it and jerk-it" at the auto shows."

He's a she, but this she has not enough estrogen.
I can't imagine why they would have that fruitcake prancing and flitting around the car to that doofy music. What are they thinking?

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On this NSX-v2 example in the vid-clip, the side sill / skirt / rocker-panel area seems to have lost it's flared & muscular form, compared to the NSX-Concept unveiled a year or two ago...(?)

What I was thinking too.
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Wow, harsh criticisms about the person who was performing next to the NSX.

Anyways I'm guessing that most of you folks have not been to Japan recently, since that particular look is not that far off from what you would see on a weekend from guys walking in any major Japanese cities. (the only exception would be the all white look which you would not see).

Guess it just shows the cultural differences across countries and the differences in how the marketing departments work in different countries.

Anyways, the person that you are all criticizing looks to me like Nishikido Ryo, who is an "Idol" in Japan, as big of a name as you can probably get in Japan. Given that the younger generation of folks in Japan are not that much into vehicles anymore it seems like a wise move from Honda Japan.

BTW: I'm typing this from Osaka of all places... LOL


Car looks better in white, but those wheels.....

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I can't imagine why they would have that fruitcake prancing and flitting around the car to that doofy music. What are they thinking?

Err, I believe that he was performing to is the equivalent to a xmas jingle/carol of sorts, and the all white looks that the performer had just goes with the theme. Anyways it's all marketing to the intended target audience.

In the US you had Jay Leno and Jerry Seinfeld , they would mean close to zero in the Japanese market if they were used as spokespersons for the NSX in the Japanese market.

I guess if they had Dori Dori (Tsuchiya) some of you would be a whole of a lot happier, LOL.

Anyways, it's all about context...
Obviously Honda knows the market who will want to purchase their new Supercar.....
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I thought at first he might be a Californian.:tongue:

Plenty of the younger hip/fashionistas Asian guys out of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, HK, etc, etc who live in the left coast dress like that, so would not surprise me if that was your first impression.

Pretty sure that if you venture into NYC you might see Asian tourists dressed like that every now and then, LOL :D.
Not hating on what the guy is wearing, just trying to figure out why they didn't have a drop dead gorgeous female pop star or something similar to garner attention from young males. I reckon over 95% of the demo for the NSX will be male....