Honda F1 qualifying sweetness

30 January 2001
Hate to be a spoiler but Button has pole in Canada,I'm psyched!
Doc John,
Thanks for the update -- I didn't see the results from qualifying. Definitely looking forward to tomorrow's race. Really regret not going now. I hope all the Honda fans have something to cheer for AFTER the race too.
Wow! That was awesome. I kept expecting everyone to blow by JB's time but everyone kept losing time in the first and second sectors.

Now if Button pulls into the pits after 10 laps then we know why. ;) Anybody ever remember anyone doing a 3x stopper at Canada?

I think Ojas went and I bet he's loving life right now. :smile:
Go Honda go!
I just finished watching the qualifing on Tivo.
I can't wait to watch the race tomorrow.Or should I say today. It is after midnight.
By the way, can I make a baby announment here. My 4th child Arielle was born June 10 at 15:16. 5 lbs 4 oz. Mom and baby are expected home tomorrow,I mean today. This is also the birthday of my son 13 years ago.Hopefully I can pick them up and make it home for the race..
Great results! We will see how the race turns out.

By the way, can I make a baby announment here. My 4th child Arielle was born June 10 at 15:16. 5 lbs 4 oz. Mom and baby are expected home tomorrow,I mean today. This is also the birthday of my son 13 years ago.Hopefully I can pick them up and make it home for the race..

Wow.., congrats!! I wish you and your family endless happiness.
Finally some great news after the troubles they've had the past few months. It might be worth noting though that every other team is running their 2-race old engines while Honda is the only team with a fresh engine this race...well, if you don't count Rubens Barichello's blown engine in qualifying.
Oh well. Mistake by Button cost him at least 3rd and maybe even a win. Looks like this will just be a salvage and testing year and hopefully they come out swinging next year. Its a long season but I really have little hope for any sort of challange for the top 3 spots especially with McLaren seemingly putting it all together and I predict Kimi will the WDC and they may even win the WCC as well. Ferrari also seems to have put it together, so with those two and Renault, the top 3 looks to be set. I see Toyota falling back and maybe holding on to 4th. After that it really doesn't matter IMHO. My only consolation this season is if BAR gets an outright win and not just podium 3rd places.
I am disapointed!Amazing how well team renault has thier launch controll dialed in.They shot past Button at the start.Buttons' car looked strong until :frown: Look foward to next week.Iain,,congrats,You must have found the secret to managing your time-work/play and four kids!
Something's gotta give. . .

hmmm... Maybe we all have to face reality that Jenson Button isn't perhaps all that we may have wished for, and I don't simply mean podium finishes and GP wins. This has been a trying year for BAR Honda, and when the driver wins - it should be regarded as a team effort (not just driver) and when the car fails - it should be regarded as a loss for the team (not all the blame on the tech/engineers). But Button has alienated on the record the team and it's management/tech/engineers rather often this year. And after the super effort the team gave this weekend, not once did BAR Honda mumble, whimper, or groan at Button's ineptitude in his failure to finish the Canadian GP (Button was reported prior to race as saying that turn is no big deal).

Anyways, I found this article to be rather interesting. Who else would know Button better than the man who had Schumie, then Button, and now Alonsono... Flavio Briatore!

Yet while Fernando and Michael are apparently blessed with a 'special' talent, Flavio doesn't believe the same can be said of Jenson Button. Briatore dumped Jenson three years ago to accommodate Fernando at Renault and has no doubt that history his proved his decision prescient.

"I was trying to win races, not a popularity contest, and in my opinion Fernando was more likely to do that than Jenson. I was pleased Renault gave me the freedom to make my choice and it has proved right.

"Jenson is good but Fernando is special."