Honda Display Pod/Alpine TME-M760/Alpine DVD Navigation Installation Difficulty

14 April 2001
Sandy Eggo, CA
I've searched past topics, but none answered my questions.

Anyone have pictures of the BACK of the Honda Navigation Display Pod? And pictures of an Alpine TME-M760 display on the back of it? How hard is it to mount the TME-M760 to the Honda Navigation Pod? I specifically want to see pictures of these two, and to see how it's mounted together.

Also, if I were to get this installed, in addition to the Alpine DVD Navigation system, how hard is it for me to install myself? What's involved in it? (Antennas, sensors, wiring, etc.)

The only experience I have with installations like these are with my 1992 Honda Accord. I have an Alpine CVA-1005 multimedia installed in it... but no navigation.

Thanks in advance.

Andy @ and ask him. His shop installed the exact same thing in my car about a year ago and he took pic of the install. He might have them on computer or disc.
He is a fellow owner and Prime member.
Sorry I forgot to take some pics. But I mounted mine with LOTS os silcone.
You have a steel cage that comes with the TME-M760 silicone that to the Honda Navigation Pod.
You will have to trim out the plasic on the pod to get the screen to fit flush.
There are no bolt holes in the pod to mount it to.
I think most people have done it this way.

The only down side to the Honda pod is you have to screw it to the dash.
I tried not to but at high speed it was all over the place.

The Alpine DVD Navigation system, is easy to install, its the same as a radio install. There is a gps antena that you have to mount, but that is a small sensor that is plug and play.

Thanks Brian
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Sorry, no back picts, just front ones:



More picts...

display setup

just the pod

-- Chris
just to add on this i belive it's kenwood that has a all in one Unit. DVD, MP3, NAvigation compatible, and the monitor itself. it cost aroound $3K if you want the navigation system..

it looks very neat.. sorry forgot the model...