Honda Compo Electric Bike

23 October 2000
Oakland, MI
I am trying to buy one of these bikes, but they aren't available in the states. It seems Honda is good at keeping their best stuff local! I am going to Japan the middle of July and was wondering if anyone has purchased something like this and then brought it back to the states.

Is there any problems bringing this kind of stuff back? I am willing to pay any duties that might be incurred, I am also willing to give up my warranty.

If anyone has any experience at this type of purchase please let me know, also if anyone is over in Japan I would be curious what they sell for over there and where in Tokyo would be a good place to find one.

Just got back from Japan with my new Bike! It was quite easy to bring it back and I didn't have to pay any duty. I would of never been able to do it without the help of some of the people at the company I was visiting. It turns out the bike is out of stock at every bike store in Tokyo, but they found one that was a display model and they packed it up for me.

I rode it about 5 miles today and it is pretty cool, the motor just helps you out under high loads and when starting out. The bike is built to Honda's usual high standards, I took it to a bike shop today to try and find an adapter to pump up the tires and they couldn't believe how nice everything was made. I ended up having to change out the inner tubes because the bike shop didn't have any type of adapter to fit the air inlet tube. The bike is very small but still rides similiar to a large bike.