Home Theatre Completed...

17 March 2002
Ontario, CANADA
After months of running around and going way over budget my theatre is finally done.


Studio Experience 50 HD DLP Projector.
119" Da-Lite Cimema Countour Screen.
Integra DTR 8.3 Receiver.
Denon DVD 2900.
Scientific Atlanta HD Cable Box.
Definitive Technology CLR 2500 Centre Channel.
Deftech BP7004 Surrounds (4)
PSB Subsonic 6i Subwoofer.
Monster Power Conditioner.
Home Theatre Master Remote.
Viewsonic 18" LCD.
Window XP Media Centre PC. (Linked to Projector and Receiver)
BDI Axis A/V Table.

Here's a few pics.



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Thanks guys,


The theatre is in my basement. There is also a wet bar to the rear left of the room.


Whenever your in town come on over, forget the popcorn, we need to hit the whiskey.

Originally the plan was to just add a projector and screen. After looking through various Home Threate magazines, my budget went out the window and I ended up re-doing the whole room, walls, ceiling, trim and all.

Overall the project turned out amazing but my only problem now is everytime I finish watching a movie, I have to go upstairs to the dining room and re-organized all the dishes and glasses that moved because of the sound system :cool:
Thanks Joel,

It is a DLP projector. Who can keep all these short forms memorized anyways...Except for NSX...
That setup really looks nice. Did you do any of the trim work yourself? I really like the detail.
I have an uncle that does trim work for custom homes. All his clients pay big bucks to interior designers for the design and he does the trim work, so he borrowed a few ideas from various homes he's done and put together a scheme for my room. The idea for the trim around the screen was my idea.
First off, the room and setup look amazing. Very tasteful and quality work and equipment being used there. Two questions though, 1) Could you post some pics to show the rest of the room? I'd like to see how the seating and everything else is setup. And 2) Just curious as to why you went with Def Tech? Did you try any other manufacturers like Mcintosh, B&W, Klipsch, etc? I'm slowly putting together my theater and I'm curious as to why you went with Def Tech. Again it looks awesome! Take care.


If you don't mind me asking, how much does it cost to build a home theater like that? I need to start scrimping & saving!
Thanks for the compliments everyone.

The seating is a 8-10 seat L shaped sectional, 1 Lazy boy and an abstract s shape seat my wife piced up somewhere. All the seating had been bought previously. I'll try to get some more pics up.

I went with Deftech only because my local shop was promoting them when I went in looking for a stereo solution that would work for music (Parties) and surround sound. This was a few days after Christmas and I needed something quick for my New years eve party, and they had 4 Deftechs in stock. I got a smoking deal as well and they even came to my house and set-up the Integra amp and def techs free of charge. I guess I sort of jumped into the deftech purchase to quickly without researching the market (only read a few reviews on the internet) They sounded amazing when I got them hooked up at first, but when I went ahead with the full theatre project and had an authorized Cedia Technician come in to calibrate everything I could not beleive the difference in sound he managed to produce.


I bought some of the equipment earlier and then started the room around what I had. Here's some costs in Canadian funds.

Audio / Video Equipment. $18,000
Install and calibration. $6500
Room Trim and paint. $10,000
Lighting $530.00

I still have to get blinds and DVD racks.

I was lucky to get a buyer for all my old equipment which covered the renovations to the room.
NSX2NV said:
After months of running around and going way over budget my theatre is finally done.


Studio Experience 50 HD DLP Projector.
119" Da-Lite Cimema Countour Screen.
Integra DTR 8.3 Receiver.
Denon DVD 2900.
Scientific Atlanta HD Cable Box.
Definitive Technology CLR 2500 Centre Channel.
Deftech BP7004 Surrounds (4)
PSB Subsonic 6i Subwoofer.
Monster Power Conditioner.
Home Theatre Master Remote.
Viewsonic 18" LCD.
Window XP Media Centre PC. (Linked to Projector and Receiver)
BDI Axis A/V Table.

Incredible job, thanks for sharing your shopping list with us! Do you mind me asking what other screen/projectors made the short list?

ctnsupra1 said:
...Just curious as to why you went with Def Tech? Did you try any other manufacturers like Mcintosh, B&W, Klipsch, etc? I'm slowly putting together my theater and I'm curious as to why you went with Def Tech. ...

Might want to check out Paradigm too. I've been extremely happy with my Studio 40s/20s/CC
White94 said:
Incredible job, thanks for sharing your shopping list with us! Do you mind me asking what other screen/projectors made the short list?

I checked out the Stewart Firehawk screens but found very little difference other than the price (3x more than the Da Lite). I am not a total A/V nut but I'm sure some of the pro's will notice the difference right away.

I also considered the BenQ 8700+ DLP projector. I went with the SE 50HD because they offered me a great deal on their demo version but after 2 weeks the power supply gave up and they had to give me a brand new unit with the latest updates, so I'm glad it worked out that way. Got a $9000.00 projector for approx.$6500 :D

Damn your setup makes all those home boys cribs on MTV look like crap :D

Nice room bro. mine is pretty much exactly like yours, but i just repainted the walls and didn't go with the $10000 wood paneling job.
Actually, it's not all wood panelling. Just the boxes are trimmed with 1" molding. The inside of the boxes is wallpaper and the room is painted a dark burgundy color, with the roof a slighly lighter shade. The screen has a 12" wide wood trim around it and there's a wooden baseboard around the room. Other than that it's all drywall with a dark paint.
Nice set up man. It makes me so happy to have a brother in this business. I couldn't imagine paying full price for this stuff. By the way. Does the reflection off of the glass table bother you at all? I would think it would.
Looks nice.

May I ask where the center channel is mounted/located?

Also, any reason why the BP7004s are placed where they are placed?
The centre channel is on top of the A/V stand. Under the screen.

There are two 7004 Flanking the screen and two more behind the sectional positioned parallel to the fronts. This is where the Cedia technician placed them for optimal sound quality. I think it had to do with the rooms shape. In the pics you dont see the rest of the room, to the rear left there a large area where the bar is and alot of sound escapes to that side. I was considering doing a folding partition to close off the theatre portion but after listening to it thought it was not needed.
ctnsupra1 said:
First off, the room and setup look amazing. Very tasteful and quality work and equipment being used there. Two questions though, 1) Could you post some pics to show the rest of the room? I'd like to see how the seating and everything else is setup. And 2) Just curious as to why you went with Def Tech? Did you try any other manufacturers like Mcintosh, B&W, Klipsch, etc? I'm slowly putting together my theater and I'm curious as to why you went with Def Tech. Again it looks awesome! Take care.


I have a similar set up and vacillated over the Def-Tech and the Klipsch for about two months before I finally bought the Klipsch. I went with the KLF-30's up front and the KLF- 20's for the rear, a little over kill for the rear IMO. The center is a KLF-C7 and two KSW 15 for the subs. The Klipcsh is much cleaner at high volume than the Def-Tech IMO. I also use this system for music as well as movies and I like my music loud. I am driving the fronts with four Carver A-220, very clean and extremely loud. Half volume is about all I can take while listening to music, but there is NO distortion at all. I have all this installed in a custom cabinet I built which also houses an intricate cooling system.

A quarter volume at 3 am after a few beers will prompt the local PD to pay me a visit. After air banding to some Metallica for about a 1/2 hour, the police were shining their flashlight through the window on to the wall in front of me to get my attention because I didn't hear them knocking. Go figure.

I would guess that four Carvers running what, some 1400 odd watts would defintely get some attention from the local authorities. I'm still trying to narrow down the choices as I won't have a permanante home here in Texas until the summer so I'll probably wait until then to get the speakers. But kudos to you as well, excellent setup :D

I too am in the process of doing my basement up (bedroom, toyroom for the kids, bathroom, and the TV room) I have already decided to go with the DLP projector, and seeing this thread engraves that idea in concrete!!!! I love it!

I can't wait to be able to go down in my basement, lock the door, Put in my favorite DVD, or Speedchannel, and turn up the surround. I can just say "I didn't hear you knocking honey" :D