Home Invasions - epidemic?

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
Thought some of the community would find this interesting. Be careful out there...or "in" there, I guess. :(

Tulsa World said:
Woman shoots intruders; 1 dead

The victim of a home invasion fought off two attackers early Thursday by shooting both in the head, killing one, police said.

One of the intruders, Darreon Carter, 18, died in a Tulsa hospital. The other, Daniel Holman, 23, is in critical condition, police said.

The incident was Tulsa's second deadly home intrusion in as many days.

Capt. Travis Yates said the woman was walking through a dark parking lot about 3:50 a.m. at the Brighton Park apartments in the 4800 block of South Darlington Avenue after a trip to a fast-food restaurant. As she opened her apartment's door, the men demanded money and forced their way inside.

The woman initially cooperated, but when one intruder told her to undress, she pulled a snub-nosed revolver from her purse and shot him, police said.

A struggle for the gun broke out, and her boyfriend tried to help, police said.

Although she took blows to her head, the woman was able to shoot the other intruder. She fired five shots in all, Yates said.

"It seemed to be a courageous act, protecting their home and their life," he said. "They were shaken up, but it was sort of impressive — they weren't hysterical."

Brighton Park typically doesn't see much criminal activity. Yates said there were no immediate signs that the woman knew the attackers.

"We believe that this was totally an opportunity crime," he said. "Somebody saw a woman walking up to an apartment, and they decided to commit a crime, and here we are."

The woman held the wounded intruders at gunpoint until help arrived. Her boyfriend collected two screwdrivers that the men had used as weapons, police said.

Officers found Carter and Holman in the apartment's entryway. Carter was unresponsive; Holman was conscious, but his condition was deteriorating quickly, Yates said.

Medics took both men to St. Francis Hospital, where Carter died. Holman remains in critical condition with bullet wounds to his head and stomach, police said.

Police took the tenants to headquarters for questioning, but Yates said he didn't expect them to be arrested.

The woman's name was not immediately available, and there was no answer at the apartment later Thursday.

Police said two other recent home-invasion robberies also seem to have been crimes of opportunity.

Seeing open doors, robbers entered the home of Stephen Rodolf, near 26th Street and Peoria Avenue, in June and the home of Rabon Martin, in the 1400 block of South Carson Avenue, on July 6, police said. People in each home were assaulted by the armed robbers.

Three suspects have been charged in the Rodolf robbery and assault, and one of them is also charged in the Martin robbery. One of the three suspects, Ryan K. Smith, has not yet been arrested.

Smith, 21, is described as black, 6 feet 3 inches tall and 170 pounds.

Thursday's shootings happened about a day after another home invasion that left a resident dead.

Police said masked intruders ransacked a home in the 600 block of East 27th Place North before fatally shooting Corey Lajuan Johnson, 30.

The assailants, who are at large, made gang-related remarks during the ordeal and took property from the home.

They were black, wore hooded jackets and had cloths covering their faces, police reported.

Anyone with information about Ryan Smith or any of these home-invasion robberies and assaults is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 596-COPS. Tips can also be sent to the Police Department online or via text message at tulsaworld.com/crimestoppers.

The Crime Commission offers rewards for information that leads to arrests, and tipsters can remain anonymous.


Around Tulsa, this is becoming a fairly big epidemic (the second this week). And just last month, an assailant tried breaking into a home a few blocks away from where I live in broad daylight. Sheesh.
You go girl...
Wow! And to think I live in the Middle East (woooooooo Middle East aren't there terrorists etc?) and yet we can happily leave our door open without any B&E, etc...

Why? Because you don't want to get caught, jailed (its no Hilton) and finally deported.
entered, but didn't exit...



Suspected burglar shot in Northwest Travis County

by KVUE News
Posted on July 16, 2010 at 9:57 PM
Updated yesterday at 9:57 PM

The Travis County Sheriff's Office is investigating a possible Castle Law case that left a suspected burglar dead.

It happened just after 5 p.m. Friday on Cedar Ridge.

Investigators say 35-year Ryan Bradford of Austin broke in and was fighting with one of the homeowners. During the struggle, Bradford was shot.

Bradford was taken to UMC Brackenridge where he died.

Detectives don't expect to file charges.
I am curious what Illinois NSX Prime members think about the recent Supreme Court decision againt the City of Chicago, and the City Council's unending struggle to keep law abiding citizens defenseless.
Around Tulsa, this is becoming a fairly big epidemic
What you've posted makes it sound like it may happen less often in the future. :biggrin:

I am curious what Illinois NSX Prime members think about the recent Supreme Court decision againt the City of Chicago, and the City Council's unending struggle to keep law abiding citizens defenseless.
I am curious why you think anyone would bother answering a leading question, i.e. one which already presumes a specific answer to the question, and thus expresses a lack of interest in the opinions of others.
Not that i doubt the veracity of the story, but i've several times seen the propagation of stories such as this, where it turned out to be false. The story was made up by "pro-gun" advocates.

Can anyone corroborate the story?

BTW, i'm all for gun ownership. I've never fired or owned one, but always assume the tight laws just prevent law abiders from having one. the criminals do as they please.
Can anyone corroborate the story?
Well, in his opening post, Shawn included a link to the story as it appeared on the website of Tulsa World, a daily newspaper in that city. Reputable newspapers generally corroborate stories before publishing them. I'm not sure what else you need to be convinced, but it's good enough for me!
I am curious what Illinois NSX Prime members think about the recent Supreme Court decision againt the City of Chicago, and the City Council's unending struggle to keep law abiding citizens defenseless.

If they had banned screwdrivers this would never have happened!:wink:
What you've posted makes it sound like it may happen less often in the future.

You'd think but another home invasion happened just last night in the area. It may get worse before it gets better.

These events have got me interested in learning about how to minimize the risk to my family. Not in a paranoid manner, mind you, but just learning effective ways to keep everyone safe and sound.
Ponyboy, it's become disturbingly common in my neck of the woods as well. Recently, there have been a number in my neighborhood, and I don't live in the ghetto. I also heard from my good friend that his mother's house was broken into. They rang the door bell around 10:30pm and when his step father went to see who it was, 2 men kicked in the rear door. Before he had a chance to do anything, he had a gun pointed at him and was tied up.

Sickens me to hear all these stories. :mad:

Thank God and the Constitution for the right to bear arms.
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member of my family is a cop in houston- ever since 'katrina relocations' from new orleans the crime rate went through the roof, murder rate tripled. these are not 'dreamed up' scenarios.
member of my family is a cop in houston- ever since 'katrina relocations' from new orleans the crime rate went through the roof, murder rate tripled. these are not 'dreamed up' scenarios.

And Houston was not know for its LOW crime rate before that :cool:
Where are all the anti-gunner mamby-pambys? All the folks who, in other forums, tell me "you must carry a gun to make up for the size of your miniscule pee-pee" (apparently that's why I have an NSX, too...). Hello? Anyone out there? :rolleyes:

If anyone is going to jack me for my car, cash, etc. they're going to have to out-shoot me for it. I'm not going quietly.
Where are all the anti-gunner mamby-pambys? All the folks who, in other forums, tell me "you must carry a gun to make up for the size of your miniscule pee-pee" (apparently that's why I have an NSX, too...). Hello? Anyone out there? :rolleyes:

If anyone is going to jack me for my car, cash, etc. they're going to have to out-shoot me for it. I'm not going quietly.

If anyone is going to jack me for my car, cash, etc. they're going to have to out-shoot me for it. I'm not going quietly.

But if they do, will they have to pry them out of your cold, dead hands? :wink:
