
4 August 2005
Marietta, Georgia/Charleston, South Carolina
I'm Pearce...currently a college student at The Citadel. I'll be going into my sophomore year. As motivation for putting up with the constant bullshit the school feeds me everyday that concrete prison, my parents have bribed me with promises of a glorious NSX (91-94) upon my day of graduation. That day isn't coming for a while, but I figured what the hell...might as well learn everything I can about them before it arrives. Then when it does, I'll already be a step ahead. I'd like to keep it N/A since I have a not so good history with boost (Blew a B16 and an H22 in my CRX), but still make around 300-350 hp. Only thing I like about turbo's are the blow-off valves really. Don't get me wrong, I loved being slammed into my seat once the horrible lag goes away, but going through 2 engines and having to set up 2 turbo setups is just too expensive to keep on doing. I just want a reliable car, and it seems to me, that more cars are more reliable without forced induction...but currently I drive an 91 N/A Supra as you can probably figure out why...plus the cops here flip a shit anytime they hear a blow-off valve. So anyways...that's me in a nutshell and I look forward to talking with you all, learning about the car itself, and being a member of the community. Thanks!

- Pearce :biggrin:
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Welcome to the site. Good luck in school; it will be behind you before you realize it. Please try to watch your language on this site - one should be able to express their thoughts without crude language; right? Again, welcome to a terrific site that will provide all the knowledge you could ever need to shop, find, buy, maintain and modify and NSX.
Glad to have you aboard. A kid from my hometown (small town) just got a scholarship to the Citadel. His last name is Hladik. Anyway, good luck on the ride, and stay on them about it. My parents made all kinds of promises as well, but I ended up having to get it mine the old-fashioned way...........good 'ol hard work! :biggrin:
From Supra To NSX said:
plus the cops here flip a shit anytime they hear a blow-off valve

So anyways...

Well good luck with college, better spend some time on the English Language though..... better you don't hold your breathe for the NSX :wink:

Sorry for the flippant reply, but it's taken me until my 47th birthday to afford my NSX, glad your parents can indulge you, make the most of it!

Welcome aboard the board. :)

You will enjoy it here. I hang'ed here for a couple of years until I was able to get my NSX. Before that it was a dream at such a distance that I did not think I ever would have one.

Now I have one, but saddly can not drive it since I wrecked a CV joint and the part I got was wrong. So now the only thing I do is hang out on Prime.

Welcome Pearce,

I'm pretty new here myself. I too got my NSX just after graduation, but I saved for it during school... all you have to do is fill out EVERY scholarship application you can get your hands on - before you know it the school will be paying you $5K - $10K per semester just for showing up to class :biggrin:! Anyway, good luck with school, you'll have your NSX before you know it!
Welcome, I hope that you survive the Citadel. The problem with school is you complain about how bad it is and when you are done you complain about how much easier/fun your life was back in school. Such is life! Don't rush my firend, enjoy the ride. No pun intended...
Keep an eye on the Southeastern Forum. We meet in Charleston quite a bit. Lot's of tech days... would you like to bring your Supra to the modded 300ZX vs. modded NSX comparo that we will do at the end of this month?
Vizal said:
Man, that is true. :frown:

I don't know about the Citadel... they are pretty strict there. It's a military school, not someplace you go to for a "good time". Even when they go out in Charleston, they must wear their uniforms. I think they do not have to do this when they are in their senior year though. :redface:
Welcome!!! I too am going into my sophmore year in college! Just dont let anyone on here discourage your plans with the "youre too young for this car" speech. Live it up and enjoy every minute man! Oh yea, TELL YOUR PARENTS YOU LOVE THEM. I know I would if mine would've given me an NSX for graduation!!! (At least more than I do allready).