Hit 200,000.0 km yesterday, did a little video!

8 April 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
Was happy to finally see the odometer roll over to 200,000.0 Yesterday.
Went out and did a few runs outside and inside the car.
This car is too much fun as a daily driver.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AHuCjQeUANs&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AHuCjQeUANs&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


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Very nice, sounds good. That was around 5.6 sec 0-100.:smile:
Dropped the clutch at 3,000 rpm, wheel spin of course, steering and filming with right hand and shifted with left hand.....lol.
Might sound normal in Australia, but here, something hard to do.
Congrats Trev, I'm glad you are enjoying your car so much...Summer is finally here!
Congrat's on your milestone!

Your car sounds ffffantastic. :smile: The inside footage is great, props on getting that on tape by yourself.

I liked pic on the screen at the end so I captured it. :biggrin:



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Yes, I actually thought I used to hit 135 kph at redline in 2nd, well maybe I do, but i was shifting with the wrong hand and didn't want to bump off the rev limiter for the video.


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Trev my man,

i'm almost there also... my car have 197926kms right now... only a little over 2000kms to go :tongue: our cars must be brothers or something :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Take care,
Congratulations Trev!

200,000 km is a milestone!
The good news is this car is easily capable of 200,000km more!
and good job documenting it
Dropped the clutch at 3,000 rpm, wheel spin of course, steering and filming with right hand and shifted with left hand.....lol.
Might sound normal in Australia, but here, something hard to do.

Trev. Very cool. You have 4 X the mileage on your '91 than I do! Big Milestone!

It is about time you invest in a camera mount! Just looking out for your welfare... :smile:
I enjoy your videos, I just want to ensure they continue.
Warren, if you would ever be my friend and ride in my passenger, you could be the camera mount!!!! Think of all the fun we can have putting my car through the paces....lol.
Talk to you soon.
Thats a rebuilt 5 speed from Sos a few years ago when mine started to make noise, this one isn't that great and I will replace it soon.
Thats a rebuilt original engine with forged pistons because I blew out a spark plug out of the head and mashed it into the coil and distributed all the parts through a few cylinders.
How my luck.......
p.s. thats an old 1600AR whipple running just over 9 pounds boost. Have to change out the injectors this week maybe and install the AEM FIC. You can see she is running so so rich and gagging!
Thats a rebuilt 5 speed from Sos a few years ago when mine started to make noise, this one isn't that great and I will replace it soon.
Thats a rebuilt original engine with forged pistons because I blew out a spark plug out of the head and mashed it into the coil and distributed all the parts through a few cylinders.
How my luck.......
p.s. thats an old 1600AR whipple running just over 9 pounds boost. Have to change out the injectors this week maybe and install the AEM FIC. You can see she is running so so rich and gagging!

I was going to ask what mods you have because that's quite a bit quicker and better sounding than the limited few NSX's I've seen around here.
Nice sounding machine!
Congrats! sounds like it should now!
Holy fizuck! That's amazing.

Op, have you ever run into any major service/repair issues throughout your ownership?

200K... Damn,,, Very cool to hear.