Hipocritical with-in our own comunity

27 March 2006
Fort Worth Texas/ Pooler, Savannah Ga
Good morning and I just got done reading the thread on taking the NSX to the dealership to test drive or get special perks. I just wanted to add something to that but have it be a discussion point on how you view us as the owner of an exotic car. Here is my exsperiance and it was one that left a taste in my mouth that almost pushed me away from getting the NSX.

Awhile back I went to NSX get together in normal cloth. I dressed like a beach bumb which is what we in the military call SoCal casual. I was talking to a few people in the group and one of the gentlemen there asked me what I did and I gave him the answer that I give everyone. I fix 40 million dollar airplanes. He said so you work for a major airline or something and then I told him I was a Marine. The look on his face was like you have got to be shitting me. It was like he was offended to own a car that someone like myself could buy. Granted I dont make mad loot as I like ot put it but I make enough to own a nice home and three cars. Two of which are POS. Pieces of crap for those not knowing what POS stands for. I have a ford F150 and a 96 Honda accord. I get no respect what so ever when I roll up to a car dealer with my DOD sticker on the window but when I take the NSX which doesnt have a sticker I get all kinds of love. That same double standered applies to us all no matter what it is we do. So its just not the dealers that take this car as a status simble is some of us with-in our own comunity.

Thank You for your time
Fortunately we're not all tarred with same brush.
I don't care if you clean toilets for a living (just wash your hands first <!--StartFragment -->
) - or even that you can't spell symbol
- you'd be welcome in our NSX community regardless & I think I speak for most of the N CA NSX gang.
Daves_X said:
one of the gentlemen there asked me what I did and I gave him the answer that I give everyone. I fix 40 million dollar airplanes. He said so you work for a major airline or something and then I told him I was a Marine. The look on his face was like you have got to be shitting me. It was like he was offended to own a car that someone like myself could buy.
Okay, you were there and I wasn't. But it sounds like you saw a surprised look on his face and did a whole lot of guessing about what was going on inside his head. Maybe you are right and he had an arrogant attitude about your profession/employer. But it is equally possible that he was surprised for entirely different reasons - maybe he was surprised you're not stationed overseas, maybe he was surprised because you present a different demeanor from what he expects of military personnel - who knows? I wouldn't automatically jump to any conclusions about what he was thinking when he heard you are in the USMC.

Regardless of what he was thinking, and whether or not it reflects the kind of arrogance and superiority you suspect, or just confusion because you're different from other owners he has met, I'm sure you meet many, many more people who tell you they respect you for your service to our country, and are grateful for that. At least, I hope so.
I agree. Most of us here don't really care what you do (or don't do) for a living. In fact, in my experience, it rarely comes up in conversation (not even sure why it ever comes up in converstion). The truth is that the demographics among NSX owners has shifted a bit to where there is an increasing number of new owners who are in their early to mid-twenties and barely out of school. If one were to view the NSX as a representation of social and economic standing, one should be prepared for repeated disappointment.

Then again, could the expression on that person's face have meant, "The Marines have $40mil planes?" :D
I am not saying that it was the ungratefulness of my service or anything like that. I am saying his whole attitude changed the minute I let him know what I did. I am not trying to say everyone is like this guy. I know there are allot of you out there that respect everyone no matter what it is they do. I am saying that why should anyone driving this car or not be any differently treated. So if it takes me driving my NSX to a BMW dealer to get the same quality treatment as someone else driving up in the BMW than I am all for it.

I am saying that sometimes, who we are and what we do should have no bearing on how we are treated. I Love everyday of my llife i get to get up an put this uniform on. I wouldnt have it anyother way and I am sure none of you would either.

It shouldnt make a hoot if I was a doctor or a layer or cosmetic surgeon driving this car or my Ford. Its just sad the people are so quick to judge based on ones job rather than the person they are dealing with. And NO I AM NOT TRYING TO PI$$ anyone off in here. So please dont take it like that.

Thank you for your time
i'm with nsxtasy - it's quite likely the guy was surprised that a GI could afford / would be willing to spend the $'s to buy an nsx... as a former GI, my thinking is that nsx and GI pay / ownership aren't usually linked in the same sentence.
Everyone has different personality and attitude in life. If you had walked up to a Ferrari owner or a Honda civic owner with attitude, it doesn't matter who you are, he's probably going to give you the same treatment. I hope you know that not all NSX community are bad...or good. It's unfortunate that you ran into someone like him.

PS...i'm no doctor or with lots of $$, but i still own an NSX. That's all what matters to me...
Don't be surprised. You'll meet some good ones and some not so good ones but don't let them bother you - just be who you are. Most of the NSX owners I've met and hang out with have been so "down to earth". Don't let a bad experience bother you. Have fun with your NSX - thats what matters!!:biggrin:
sorry to hear about your experience with a bad apple, but don't let it ruin the whole bunch:biggrin:

See you on the O/P Run where you meet some true car enthusiast who actually drive our cars rather then stand around a parking lot and look at them:wink: :biggrin:
Dave -

Even a small community like ours is actually fairly diverse. You've got hard core race guys/gals, garage queen lovers, daily drivers, white collar, blue collar, white, black, yellow, somewhere in between... you've got it all.

I'm sorry that you had a questionable experience with one owner but in all the car clubs that I've spent time with... this is the most balanced and open minded. We're all enthusiasts, we all appreciate a good car when we see/drive one, and for the most part... we all get along pretty well. But there's an exception to every rule.

I for one am happy to meet other owners from different walks of life. Lord knows we'd be some boring mofo's (and I think you know what that means) if we were all the same.

PS - semper fi. My wife and I thank you for your service.
Then again, could the expression on that person's face have meant, "The Marines have $40mil planes?"

That's funny...

hey Dave, try not to let it bother you or ruin your day. Everyone should be treated with respect but as most of us know that is not always the case. It's their loss not yours.
Thank You everyone for your reply and thoughts. I gather by the answers I got that this was an Isolated incident, and I look forward to meeting you all at either NSXPO 2006 or any of the local events we have here in town.

Thank You for your time

Sorry my spelling sucks they dont have an F7 option on here.:smile:
queenlives said:
i'm with nsxtasy - it's quite likely the guy was surprised that a GI could afford / would be willing to spend the $'s to buy an nsx... as a former GI, my thinking is that nsx and GI pay / ownership aren't usually linked in the same sentence.

I am with these guys. As a former military member, I couldn't afford too much at all on my pay. So, I guess I would be surprised as well. Glad the pay rates have gone up for those in uniform.
Ive yet to see an 18E in person, but Ive always respected how well the base platform can get the job done.

Not the most incredible plane ever made, but I think Id take the experience an A6 gave over anything else.

Now that's livin! Talk about a rush being defensless and just above the trees. Not to mention the carrier experience.

Behind that, give me an Apache. Then an A10, and after that, a low altitude B1 BABY.

The 14/15/117A/B2 thing just doesnt seem as exciting. Too high up.

Although those B2s are the most amazing sight Ive ever seen.
Driving a nice car makes you different than a lot of people that drive POS. Car dealers want to sell you a car (or rob you as the case may be), and the quicker he(or she) can determine whether you're going to buy his car (or be robbed) is the quicker he can ignore you if you're not. When you drive in to the dealer already having a nice car, you've helped make up the dealers mind about you. Otherwise, don't take offense when he ignores you and your POS-- yes he is judging you by appearances, but probably for business purposes only. Now a pretty woman gets better service everywhere, but I don't see any posts to this effect so I won't discuss it further (unless a pretty woman would like to discuss it :biggrin: ).

As for whether NSX owners are any different, I couldn't say. But I would be careful not to say that all NSX owners are jerks because some jerk owns an NSX. Jerks own Mercedes and Ferrari too (and even POS)! Yes, we would do well with fewer of them-- unless the jerks are pretty women, then we would need more of them.
Daves_X said:
Sorry my spelling sucks they dont have an F7 option on here.:smile:
Not being critical - was just messing with you earlier to add a little levity to the subject.

However, they do have a built-in spell checker if it woud be helpful

You can see the icon for the spell-checker tool above the smilies to the top- right of the main 'compose' field (the check-mark with ABC above it).
Also, same tool is available in approx same location if you click 'edit' of your post.
Speaking of stereotypes and jumping to conclusions ... as it turns out, I finally got around to watching the movie Crash on the weekend. Now THERE's a movie that causes you to rethink how you view other people based on superficial things like skin color; what you wear; and maybe what you do. I think we could all learn to be a little more tolerant on a lot of fronts.
Daves_X said:
Good morning and I just got done reading the thread on taking the NSX to the dealership to test drive or get special perks. I just wanted to add something to that but have it be a discussion point on how you view us as the owner of an exotic car. Here is my exsperiance and it was one that left a taste in my mouth that almost pushed me away from getting the NSX.

Awhile back I went to NSX get together in normal cloth. I dressed like a beach bumb which is what we in the military call SoCal casual. I was talking to a few people in the group and one of the gentlemen there asked me what I did and I gave him the answer that I give everyone. I fix 40 million dollar airplanes. He said so you work for a major airline or something and then I told him I was a Marine. The look on his face was like you have got to be shitting me. It was like he was offended to own a car that someone like myself could buy. Granted I dont make mad loot as I like ot put it but I make enough to own a nice home and three cars. Two of which are POS. Pieces of crap for those not knowing what POS stands for. I have a ford F150 and a 96 Honda accord. I get no respect what so ever when I roll up to a car dealer with my DOD sticker on the window but when I take the NSX which doesnt have a sticker I get all kinds of love. That same double standered applies to us all no matter what it is we do. So its just not the dealers that take this car as a status simble is some of us with-in our own comunity.

Thank You for your time

I just put my car up for sale. I am not going to be mistaken for some government gravy-train rider:biggrin: :biggrin: